Why no openly gay MMA fighters?

The Thicc Boi Brendan Shaub


Any way to find Shad Smiths fight from Felony Fights? That shit was mind opening for casuals (back then ) showed how dangerous a controlled trained fighter was against a street fighter

@crowbar might know some guysā€¦

(No Homo)


Not really bro.

Must people that are suspect are on this thread.

I think they keep that shit on the down low.

There was one fighter on here and I think,but Iā€™m not positive was SinCityHustler.He said that he knew some gay fighters & it would shock the shit out of us if we knew.

I do believe that Tank Abbott is bi-sexual.

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The Californian Fight team that had legit homo session ,
I member thatā€¦


Feb '16

Very big presence of homosexuals in MMA. Lots of them. Tank is a very commonly known homosexual, but other house hold names as well. Those of you who are turned off by that type of thing, let me tell you, it is disgusting some of the acts these guys have carried out in somewhat open areas, where others can see.

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Crow, Ur a Cali Guy,

What do u thinkā€¦

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About who or what?

The California Fight Team?

If so,I personally donā€™t remember a California Fight Team.


Ok , cause I was always wondering what team it was or if the claims were legitā€¦

I can believe the bi/sex Tank stories tho

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Tank is married.

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Have u had many interactions with tank?

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Never seen him in person believe it or not.Not even when I lived in Huntington Beach.

I did post a video with Tank & a tranny but Youtube removed it.

I remember showing friends tank putting matua into convulsions and getting some friends into MMA mid 2000s, and they remember seeing him from his Friends appearance!, Prior to actually seeing him not acting!



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Iā€™ve posted the exact words that came out of Frank Shamrocks mouth about Tank.

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