Why not Enson in Pride HW GP?

I actually wanted to see him in the MW tourney. IMO he's one of the all time greats, fun to watch win or lose - and after watching Rites of Passage I liked him even more. Admittedly Enson has lost to Herring, Vov and Mino but these were highlight tape fights. He submitted Couture, but way back in 1998. The Japanese fans would love it, he could get by one of the so called "tomato cans" in the first round, then give anyone a great fight in the later rounds. Does Inoue still post on here as Enson1967?

they should get Enson to replace Sylvia.

dont he have a contract with someone else?

not good enough compared to Giant Silva and ex-Sumo wrestlers?

Enson vs. Coleman would be good.

He may not be good enough to win, but he has a chance to submit a lot of these guys, plus his striking actually quite good. And any fight with Enson will be as entertaining as any other on the card - based on his past fights anyhow.

I think Mino would be his worst matchup. But imagine Enson-Ninja, Enson-Coleman (he might catch Mark), Enson-Cro Cop (Enson's iron jaw and amazing heart trying to get Cro Cop down before getting KO'd. Any match with the confirmed guys thus far would be fun.

Enson vs. Ninja = WWIII.

Lubmachine - I'd heard the fight with Nishida in January was his retirement match but wasn't sure because he'd beat Nishida before. Is he officially retired?

BTW - you spelled it right :-)

Wasa B is right!!!

Enson vs Ninja would be insane

ttt for Enson!!

Enson is not retired.. In fact he is training right now for his up-coming fight in the end of April in the event known as Super-Brawl set to take place in HAWAII..

Why isn't he in the PRIDE H.W GP? ask PRIDE that..

"He's not good enough......and I say this with a heavy heart."-whitebelt

Heavy heart,You got no HEART, thats why your still whitebelt, do what you do best and spectate leave the fighting up to the fighters..never been in a ring in your life BOY..

"He may not be good enough to win, but he has a chance to submit a lot of these guys,"-HarlanEllison

Ok. *error on first post* Harlan, Enson is good enough to win against anyone just depends on whose night it is, same thing happen when Enson was the underdog against Randy C. everyone had there own thoughts and what happen, something that wasn't suppose to, ENSON won in less than 2 mins and it was his fight right after he beat the unstoppable at the time Vitor B.

Enson VS. Ninja would be INSANE!! talk to PRIDE..

Interesting you quote the Couture fight because rewatching this is what made me think Enson could do well in this tourney. Regarding your quote:

"Harlan, Enson is good enough to win against anyone just depends on whose night it is"

I agree. What I meant was even though I'd be rooting for him, he may not be able to get through two top HW's in one night while giving up weight. Suppose he got through the first round, then had to beat Mino and Fedor on the same night - that's a tall order for anyone! I'd be rooting for him but probably wouldn't bet money on it. You seem to know a lot about Enson. He's either 36 or 37 - has he lost anything or would you say he's still in his prime?

He has been busting his ass to comeback at 205. This is his natural fighting weight. He fought Igor, Herring, Kerr and Nogueira at a weight thatr he was barely making. He was at 215-220 when his opponents were between 240-270. He is down to 205 and looks good. he will fight at the next Superbrawl and with success will fight at a future UFC. We will see Yamato Damashii again. I think Enson and his agressive style can take on any opponent in the 205. He can grapple well and stand and trade any day of the week with anyone. He has more heart than anyone I know. Gambatte kudosai Enson! Ichiban desu yo!

Honestly I would love to see Enson vs. Ninja, Enson vs. Allistair and then Enson vs. Silva. Enson will throw, he will fight to the end and if he landed the shot he landed on Igor on Silva it would be over. Enson wants Silva in the ring BAD and deserves him. He has put in heavy work to get back down to 205. Another match I'd like to see is Enson vs. Vitor. Talking with Enson, I can say he is hungrier than his previous dealing with NHB. He wants it BAD and is very ready. -Yamato Damashii Ichizoku-

Yamato - we wanted to see Enson in the MW tourney last year and were surprised Pride didn't have him. At 205 he will be very difficult to beat for the reasons you lay out (and I mention above). Its amazing that with his "agressive style", the UFC isn't using him constantly.

On a side note, I don't think those guys were that big except for Kerr. If memory serves, I believe Igor was 215, Mino 235, Heath 240 and Kerr 245. At this elite level, that's still a lot of weight to give up. Even more so if you fight more than one guy in a night.

Enson can beat anyone in his natural weight class. At below 205, he will be a wrecking machine.

That's great news! He wants Silva BAD, eh? That's the fight I'd most like to see in PRide MW, that or either guy matched with Rampage. All those fights would be great - Silva, Ninja, Belfort. Great to hear Enson is training and gunning for Silva.

HarlanEllison- Igor was definitly heavier more like 230. I have the program from the fight and actually met Igor after the fight and he was much heavier. During the MW GP Enson was around 215-225. He rapidly lost weight this last year. He has an amazing workout and is busting his ass. There is no way though he could have made the MW GP. At the time he was retired and at a much heavier weight. I really don't think that Pride wants a Silva/Enson match. It would be crazy for them. But if Enson fights some MW fights and comes back, they owe him. In my mind, Enson has always been a very dangerous guy, love or hate. He is a guy that many underate but also has the skills to beat anyone. He has amazing grappling skills but is also now very dangerous in standup. He was always good at standup, but now has a lot of Thai training under his belt. I want to see his clinch game.,,

I am never against seeing Enson fight, that guy is just so awesome to watch and such a great guy too.

I would love to see him matched up with Vanderlei, that would be a war. I hope he fights soon, and it would be nice if the UFC could pick him up as well.


Yamato- I do recall Igor looking more like 230 for that fight. He looks quite a bit heavier than Enson. That's cool you met Igor after the fight. If Enson has added Thai clinch skills to his arsenal and has gotten into his best shape ever, he's going to really be a force. Wish him luck with Sauer and more so getting a shot at the UFC or Pride MW belt.

On a side note, anyone who isn't a fan of Inoue already should watch "Rites of Passage". A great documenteary overall and insights to many fighters.