Why not give Nelson signing bonus if @ 205

Makes sense, bribe him to 205... If he takes a fight & makes weight then give him some sort of bonus incentive to get there?

I can't think of anything else he can do, i mean ffs he could probably get to 185 if he was really fit

I Hunt Purple-Headed Yogurt Slingers -

Not gonna happen IMO, ever.  I doubt Roy is going to make a drastic change in his training to make 205 at this stage.

I'm skeptical on Cormier even going to 205.

I was thinking the same of DC. that he's only taking "one more fight" at HW to wait out Cain/JDS III. If he had any faith in his teammate he'd be slimming down and preparing to practice cut right now. Phone Post

The guys at HW are too tall.. too big...And most of them have good enough striking to avoid being K'oed by him by one shot.. I used to think he would just be awesome at 205 but those guys are fast.. He probably is what he is at this point. Very talented guy who's body type is just not going to allow him to be a top tier heavyweight. He will still be entertaining to watch but i dont see him doing anything drastic at this point.. I would be interested to see if Dolce could get him down there, but probably not.. He is a massive person..