Why the hate for Cormier the commentator?

Sure he doesn’t get EVERY single point right, but he’s a fun guy no? And a UFC 2 division champion to boot.

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DC has never bothered me, but it’s because I accept that he’s a cornball and is gonna serve me some corny bullshit. I’m barely ever paying attention to commentators during fights anyway. Some people get more aggravated as they apparently are incredibly invested in having a perfect commentary team.

Personally I’d prefer if all fights had a “no commentary” option.


He is an Epic Fighter, a nice guy. A guy you would love to coach your kids wrestling team.

He is so trash at commentary. He never calls the fights by describing what is actually happening, he is always pushing some dumb overarching narrative. He is a favortist who nuthugs AKA fighters. He encourages a wrestling centric narrative, promotes stalling and boring lay and prey at all times. He states obvious stuff like when someone guy is getting wrestlefucked, he just keeps parroting that “he needs to get up” without being techincal about how to do it. He is also sort of generally corny.

For Formula 1 racing you can watch with sky commentators who are kind of spazzy, screaming all the time and show deep favoritism toward british drivers. Or you can watch the F1TV commentary team who are much more chill and much more technical about calling and explaining the action.

I wish UFC would pair Dominic Cruz up with someone and you could switch from the rogan/DC narrative push, to a more technical breakdown of whats actually happening in the fights.


I absolutely love him. He’s entertaining and brings a lot of fun and humor to the table.

I know what I’m watching, I don’t need a play by play or to be handheld through the through watching.


He knows fighting and has personality. I appreciate him.


I agree with everything except the no commentary thing. It’s part of the fight experience so it would be weird without it.



DC is and will always be the man. I love that guy.


Rather DC than that DEI gash they have in the booth. Unless she’s announcing topless, get her the fuck outta there.

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Because he’s half drunk, can’t stay on topic, and plays favorites. Most annoying announcer ever. Loved him as a fighter though.

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Over saturation imo. Great guy, great fighter, appears to be a great coach.

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I thought he was excellent tonight. I think because Bisping or Joe went there to clown around with.

Mutha Fuckin G.O.A.T.

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