Why was Sylvia WEARING Title Belt?

Did anyone else notice that after the Hughes/Gracie fight Tim Sylvia was parading around the cage WEARING his belt? Everyone knows who he is and that he has the title. It's one thing to wear it when you win it or for photos, but to wear it to someone else's fight with you jeans and tank top looks pretty pathetic don't you think?????


if u earn the belt u can wear it anywhere u want,especially UFC shows

He won it, deserves to wear it wherever and whenever he pleases...

he was wearing it to hold up his pants, stupid.

Shit, Tito wore his to the IHOP every chance he got. He's at the venue where he's the champ, pics will be taken, prime photo op, whats the problem?

I would do the same. I have my 6th place dive team ribbon from jr. high hanging in my living room

I guess he is wearing it as much as he can now because he knows he is gonna lose it again when he faces Arvloski in July...

If I had the belt I would wear that bitch everywear!

Maybe he's just insecure, like Linus and his blanket.

Cause he won it. Cause he can. Cause you wouldn't say anything about it.

A few reasons I would imagine. Loves it, good for fans when they want picks with him and better to wear then carry. Earned the right to wear anywhere he wants.

Tito wore his cornering Rico didn't he?

You have to keep in mind that he's still young as well. He's got a new toy
that he earned, let him have fun with it. Personally I think that it was a
fluke, but that's MMA, and for now he earned the right to wear it
anywhere, anytime.

Then, Than, whatever. He can wear it and I am not an english major.

Rich and Chuck have more humility than Tim Sylvia thats why u dont see them wearing the belt around all the time.

Nothing wrong with wearing it.

Geesh, didnt Silva go to a past UFC with his Pride belt? Heavin Forbid!!

fucking thing can not be comfortable.

lol yea tito wore his belt backwards while cornering :D

If I were UFC HW champ, i would say something to the effect of, "Why dont you come and make me not wear this belt wherever the fuck I want to?"

And this coming from a guy that still isn't sold on Sylvia being the best the UFC HW division has to offer.

i thought it was interesting that Matt didnt even try to keep his belt from being fully covered by his tshirt after the fight, yet Tim is there Tshirt tucked in so tight that there was no chance even a little wrinkle would obstruct the view of even an inch of the fabric of his belt. Not that theres anything wrong with that......