Will Fedor try to take Mitrione down...

Meathead is gonna knock that old fuck out

MicroPenis69 - Meathead is gonna knock that old fuck out

He ain't fighting your daddy 

Meathead tko. 3rd rnd

WordUp -

When Fedor emplys a kickboxing game he can cause EVERY HW problems.


If he does that and then gets the td, it's an easy nights work. But Fedor's IQ seems to be in reverse these days...

Exactly, I bet he uses the swing and hope something lands strategy yet again. : (

I just assume that eventually, post-retirement, Fedor will do an interview here he admits his body is messed up and injuries prevented him from shooting or getting to the clinch later in his career.
Why else would he just stop using his strongest weapon in fights?

Like Frank Shamrock and his 'anti-grappling' speech for years about conserving energy and tiring the opponent from underneath ... until he retired and then was all just, 'oh yeah, that was actually because my fuck was completely fucked and I couldn't move' lol