Will Mac Danzig be cut?

I hope not, I like Danzig. He brings it. But he's 5-7 in the UFC. Do you think he'll get another chance? Phone Post 3.0

Hope not Phone Post 3.0

One more chance Phone Post 3.0

I hope they don't view the Gomi fight as a loss. He had a great performance against him. Phone Post 3.0

I hope he gets one more chance. I like the guy but it'll be hard to justify it, if he loses one more.

Id watch him fight again. Phone Post

"Hopefully not"
"He goes to war every fight" Phone Post 3.0

JOESONDO - Hope not Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

RFA bound.... Phone Post

He has fought a lot of top guys I think he deserves to stay Phone Post 3.0

Another vote to keep him, always like watching Mac fight. Phone Post 3.0

danzig is far from a can.. keep him as gate keeper even.. he'll rack up some wins


The vegan comment is asinine. I hope he gets another shot. He's a good dude and brings it. Phone Post 3.0