documentary MMA will ever see?
Unless Anderson Silva is working on a huge one behind the scenes that will be released around retirement, Jon Jones too.
What other fighter is documenting their life in MMA like the reem?
i'd really like to see the evan tanner documentary.
the demolition man's doc. will be pretty cool i'm sure. i wonder if they filmed him sticking the roids in his arse, or if they leave that part out?
j/k i'm a huge fan of his... but he did bulk up pretty quick...
i actually think some 'steroids' might as well just be legal at this point...
sort of like legalizing certain drugs and taxing them heavily to pay for schools, roads, etc...
people are going to use these things anyways... if you provide a safe avenue for them to use those things, they will typically choose that, and it's safer for the fighters and no jail time etc...
i'm not advocating OPEN-USE of 'roids here... i'm just saying the system is broken and we need to have an intelligent conversation about it.
Lol at trying to turn this thread from a discussion about MMA documentaries to a discussion about steroids
Love the black and white, editing, and the music. The Reem is the ultimate documentary series
King777 - Lol at trying to turn this thread from a discussion about MMA documentaries to a discussion about steroids
well you didn't have any hits for several hours... and my browser was open still... along with my beer... so i said fuck it...
sorry if you think i ruined your thread but it didn't really seem like it was going anywhere... so i bumped it... sort of... didn't really mean to change the topic sorry.
btw i was talking soft drugs and stuff too... like POT... not meth and all that shit ok?
Yeah that's true, thanks for the help. Surprised people aren't interested in MMA documentaries.