Will Yvel fight dirty, again?

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                                Will Yvel fight dirty, again?

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                            <strong class="ArticleSource">[mmajunkie.com]</strong>

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Despite Yvel's controversial history that includes biting an opponent in 1998, raking the eyes of Don Frye in 2001 and attacking a referee in 2004, UFC president Dana White recently said he had no hesitation in bringing the heavyweight to the UFC.

"It was me that made the decision to sign [Yvel]," White said. "I have a long relationship with John Lewis, who's been working with him, and John's been trying to get him on the UFC now for quite a while.

"It wasn't just, 'Hey, let's throw Gilbert Yvel back in there.' We talked to him, took some time, and he assured me that he's going to be an absolute professional."

Yvel's past conduct resulted in the Nevada State Athletic Commission denying him a license to fight in 2007. After Yvel competed in a pair of 2009 fights in the U.S. without incident, the NSAC agreed to issue the Dutchman a license this past October.

Yvel will use that license for the first time in a main-card bout with Junior Dos Santos (9-1 MMA, 3-0 UFC) at Saturday's "UFC 108: Evans vs. Silva" event in Las Vegas.

And White also believes that everyone deserves an opportunity to prove that past transgressions don't necessarily mean future problems.

"Listen, you guys know how I am," White said. "We all make mistakes. We'll see if [Yvel] learned from them."

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Underground News - Will Yvel fight dirty, again?

The UFC is banking on it, in my opinion.

you just know that dana is not going to complain if they put Mazzagatti on the Yvel vs Dos Santos fight..... just on the off chance that Gilbert falls back on his bad habits....

 Guys a piece of shit, I hope Dos  Santos pulls an Aoki on his ass...

Mazzagati getting KO'd will make 108 the best card of the year

"Why do I always get fucked???"

Wanna catch Yvel riddin' dirty.

Wouldn't you?

How is this news?

Mike Sanders - "Why do I always get fucked???"

Best post fight ever.

 " Hopefully Shannon Ritch does the same to you "

BWAAAHHH... Tell me somthing, when you two are done  "Dirty Sanchezing" each other and playing, 2 boys one cup, do you two spoon or lay back to back while you have rape dreams involving Ryan Seacrest??? 

dana wants him to beat up yamazaki

IrishRottie -  it would be funy if he knocked out mirgliotta tho.

 That'd probably be the savior of the rotting card.

^Yvel, Daley and Ludwig... three of the best strikers in the sport and the card is rotting? Puh-lease. This card looks better now than it originally did.

Altofsky - ^Yvel, Daley and Ludwig... three of the best strikers in the sport and the card is rotting? Puh-lease. This card looks better now than it originally did.

 Daley failed his weight cut, and Ludwig pulled a monster of a 32 cut.

Bang looked completely drained out of his mind.

Yvel is the only thing that's really making this card somewhat interesting to me.

 The Ric Flair of MMA.

Squared Circle -  The Ric Flair of MMA.


never thought of it that way for some woooooooh'rd reason.


 i hoipe so just to hear you guys whine about it

Todd Duffee -  i hoipe so just to hear you guys whine about it

 Man, you HAVE got to buy a Ric Flair wig for the next fight and "WOOOOO!" it up.

you'd make an excellent Ric Flair.