With a big win Till can be that guy again

Wasn't that long ago that the most exciting up and comer in the sport was Darren Till.


The pressure / counter striking monster was that mother fucker to watch. But after getting starched by Woodly and Jorge he lost a lot of shine.


But at his best Darren is a bad bad dude.


With a big win over gastelum hes right in the spot to go against Adysanya and thats a fight anyone with a pulse would love to watch.

Seems like Gastelsum is the worst possible match up for him though. Very quick good wrestler with good ko power. Tills ground game is very suspect if Kelvin gets him down he's toast.

jpm995 -

Seems like Gastelsum is the worst possible match up for him though. Very quick good wrestler with good ko power. Tills ground game is very suspect if Kelvin gets him down he's toast.

from memory his take down defense is pretty good.


I guess we will see

Will be interesting to see him at MW and if that changes things. 


Gastelum is a motherfucker and can turn people's lights out,  so he is indeed a dangerous matchup if the person he's fighting can't expose the holes in his game.

If he could knockout Gastelum the Adesanya fight would be big

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I'm sitting here trying to think about who Tills biggest win is...... LW Cowboy, sparing match with Thompson?? He really just seems to be all UK hype at this point, because he truly has a padded record. Kelvin has finished other killers. If Till can finish Kelvin, and that is a big if, it definitely lands him in the Top 5 at MW, and is easily his biggest win ever.

JoseyWales -

If he could knockout Gastelum the Adesanya fight would be big

A win over Gastelum would be huge, but no way would it allow him to leapfrog Whitaker, Romero, and Costa for a title fight. Don't be silly.

ya and with a loss against Gastelum, Till can be a nobody still.

KG is going to clobber him

Till is still an unknown quantity at this stage. Seen flashes of both brilliance and naivety.

The raw ingredients are there but can he bake the cake?