WMMA needs to be treated equal

And since we need to treat it equal we have to scrutinize it equally.

WMMA is a paper thin division which has no place in UFC IMO. Its just as bad as having a mend 100lb weight class. There just isn't enough high level fighters or fighters in general.

WMMA is exciting but outside of the match ups done by strikeforce there aren't many compelling fights left.

Let's call this fight and UFC womens division what it is. A side show in a feeble attempt to grab more ppv buys.

This and the sonnen/Jones match stinks of wrasslin. Freak fights aside, At least when Pride borrowed wrestling ideas it was the fighter entrance which made the fights grandiose and feel important on an international scale. Phone Post

Yup Phone Post

Fighting is fighting and strikeforce proved that women can draw interest and put on great fights. It's a good business decision to capture this segment of the market as well.

nofatchicks - Fighting is fighting and strikeforce proved that women can draw interest and put on great fights. It's a good business decision to capture this segment of the market as well.

Couldn't have said it better.

besides, women fighters make the weigh ins worth watching.

No it takes away the legitimacy of the UFC.

Why not have a sumo division that would better corner the Japanese market?

Let WMMA develop in Invicta once a few weight classes are deep UFC can pick up a few WMMA divisions without it being an obvious side spectacle, attempt for extra ppv buys.

Like chael/jones It's good for UFC ppv numbers and revenue building but just like chael/Jones it takes away the legitimacy that MMA & UFC has tried so hard to gain. Phone Post

nofatchicks - besides, women fighters make the weigh ins worth watching.

Weight cuts make it worth watching regardless of gender Phone Post

RyannVonReemjob - Lol @ wmma being " a paper thin division." You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Phone Post

UFC picked up one division in wmma. Its not thin when you consider All wmma weight classes collectively. When you divide it by weight class yes it's thin as fuck.

Obviously I'm referring to the one division UFC picked up. The fact that they only picked up one wmma weight class proves how thin wmma is.

Again I'm referring to individual weight classes and particularly the one weight class UFC picked up. I repeat it in case you miss it again.

I forgive you for your poor reading comprehension I know the interwebs are full of people who's primary language is not engrish Phone Post

WMMA is exciting I'd even say percentage wise they put on more exciting fights than men. But I'm bring objective. WMMA doesn't have a real home in UFC yet. Not sure if it ever will.

Invicta is perfect. It's women only. Incivta despite bring a small org is way more legit than UFC in WMMA terms. Phone Post

God Bless Tim Tebow - Lol treated equal, from where I come from that means special treatment, and that's what they're getting. Phone Post

Lol this is true. Fuckin western society trying to convince people that there is no difference between men and women.

Too many people fail to see that women while equal are different. Equal but different people. It's not that hard of a concept but the far left likes to demasculinize men and masculinize women as a means of equality lol.

Ironic that the feminist movement has more to do with making women masculine than anything. Very counterproductive as opposed to embracing femininity as a needed counter balance and equal part of humanity Phone Post

RyannVonReemjob -
Glovegate -
RyannVonReemjob -  Lol @ wmma being " a paper thin division." You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Phone Post

Nice argument, backed up with tonnes of evidence.

Fact is, wmma is a 70% strength league and always will be.  Women fighting has no mainstream appeal.  Women's boxing went as far as Ali could carry it and then when she left it went with her. 

Their days are numbered.  Deal with it.

Mma as a whole has no mainstream appeal, deal with it.

Thing is, the division that the ufc created is a well established and deep division. But again douchegate, you show us all your ignorance and general cuntiness. Phone Post

Woah this guys is dense. Your post is wrong on so many levels I don't know where to begin.

UFC didn't create the division it has been around for a while. You then contradict yourself by saying it's deep. How can it be deep if the UFC created it and no one has fought in this new UFC created divisions?

But anyways please name the top 15 fighters in the sole WMMA division UFC has brought on Phone Post

Thacommish -
nofatchicks - Fighting is fighting and strikeforce proved that women can draw interest and put on great fights. It's a good business decision to capture this segment of the market as well.

to be fair i think elitexc proved it? but i mean did either org really prove anything considering they are both debunked?

Lol that's rich Phone Post

Thacommish - 
nofatchicks - Fighting is fighting and strikeforce proved that women can draw interest and put on great fights. It's a good business decision to capture this segment of the market as well.

to be fair i think elitexc proved it? but i mean did either org really prove anything considering they are both debunked?

Is debunked a word that is commonly mispelled on purpose in place of defunct around here that I missed? Kind of like bolivia or chack.