Women fighting =bad for the sport

"women fighting is not appealing to a main stream audience. even women's boxing doesn't get a lot of attention. It is do to socialization factors"

actually i disagree, Its not popular, but i think its 'due' to.. generally... the level of Talent. When you do have a real good boxer or sports team in the women leagues they get attention. but the lack of competition makes it die down quick.

Then, you have the fact that most promoters belittle the whole women fight scene by selling the sex angle and using girls who suck but fight for damn near free rather then bring in the few girls who actually have talent but have to really pay them

its gonna be a long time fro them

and Dana said flat out along time ago "you will NEVER see a girl fight in the UFC, period"


"Then, you have the fact that most promoters belittle the whole women fight scene by selling the sex angle and using girls who suck but fight for damn near free rather then bring in the few girls who actually have talent but have to really pay them"

(sigh)... .....painfully true.   At least someone understands what's happening.

Capitalism won't allow something inferior to directly compete with a juggernaut of a competitor, which is why (mostly) the wnba, and other female sports will never be nearly as popular or as profitable as the men's league.

Women naturally aren't able to do what a man can do physically. They are supposed to just be pretty and desirable and make babies. The also can entertain the men and talk to each other. In a society that is obsessed with records and HR's and touchdowns and lap times, men have more tools to produce such things and do something the average man/woman couldn't do. Which is why we idolize people that we want to be like, our heroes.

Freedom allows everyone to do what they want to do. Would I have chosen to have a girl on my team for paintball today, no. Did I have the right to discourage her from playing, no. Did she do absolutely anything the whole time we played, again, no. But she tried, which is what women's mma is. They're trying. Sometimes it works. Sometimes they go do American Gladiators and it's like 10 times better for everyone because it fills a niche, and there's already badass men's mma fights, but for a while there we didn't have any badass American Gladiators.


Ya'll gonna make me lose ma mind... up in here, up in here...

Hey Kneedy... have you ever seen one of my fights?

Kneedy, i disagree... you forget, 50% of the market is untapped (women)

if women got behind womens sports like men get behind sports they would be equal.

not saying its going to happen but just saying.. the ability to be big is there... if someone with groundbreaking marketing idea's came along cause thats what its going to take... marketing

If your a manly looking chick get over it and move on. If your look like a woman then obviously I wasn't addressing you.

Read the threads. You have a the "sex sells" promotions that emphasize T&A over the actual skills of the competitors. Then you have fighters that look like guys with flat tops, tribal tats, etc. and maybe some skills but still not comparable to male pro-mma because of biology. (gonna be the Dinah Shore Cage Fighting Championships) Then you have women who look like women, have some skills, and are lumped into this crappy mix of ex-strippers and trucker chicks that has become female mma.

Sorry, not interested in current female mma. Wish you had a better place to display your skills.

Man- it's way too early to be breaking out the DMX Tara-

Kneedy- I'm going to help you dude-  All joking aside



Go there-  I'm going to suggest a few of my favorites-

Larosa v. Kobold

Larosa v. Buckner

The last two Kaitlin Young fights they put up- Both from Hooknshoot-  Fun fights to watch

Carina Dam v. Molly Helsel

Baszler v. Larosa

Fuji v. Ward

Go watch any three of those-  If you really want to do yourself a favor, watch all of them.  Seriously-  Watch a few of the fights and then come back and give a review.  That will give considerably more weight to your opinion.

Nothing is more dangerous than a closed mind my friend

I don't like watching girls beating the shit out of each other. It makes me uncomfortable and I feel bad for them.

Some guys simply do not want to see women get brutalized whether the women sign up for a beating or not. I respect the dedication and have no problem training with women but something about women punching each other full power in the face makes me feel sick.

"Capitalism won't allow something inferior to directly compete with a juggernaut of a competitor, which is why (mostly) the wnba, and other female sports will never be nearly as popular or as profitable as the men's league."

Quality has almost nothing to do with it. The product that is in, an objective sense, better, does not automatically win out, and it's naive to think otherwise. The product that is more successful is the one that is in demand, because it's more readily acceptable, because it's more recognizable and better marketed. The list of restaurants that can make a better burger than McDonalds is longer than my arm: McDonalds isn't this huge business because its product is of a higher quality, it's because McDonalds is well marketed, indoctrinates kids, it's widely recognized, and it's an acceptable fast meal for most Americans.

Case in point, some of the popular men's slop-fests in MMA that are headlining cards and getting audiences (like Baroni vs. Hose or Frye vs. Takayama back in the day, for example) are by no means of a higher quality than, or even of an equal quality to, any of Tara Larosa or Megumi Fuji's fights, but they're acceptable and well marketed because men wailing on eachother with little to no technique is considered exciting, and men fighting period is something that's considered natural and people are less likely to be opposed to it.

Or for that matter, Gina Carano's not a fighter of remotely the same quality of those women I just mentioned, but she can make money on a card because "Oh, look how pretty she is". So female MMA can make money if it's shilled as a side-show based on TnA, and the fighting is more acceptable if they can market and apologize for it by emphasizing how "feminine" the participants are. In any case, the quality of the actual product, the fights, has nothing to do with it.

Tara, I've watched several of your fights and find them to be very ezxciting, much like the lightweights in the UFC. There tends to be allot more action and some fights are very technical. I'm not sure what the answer is because I can understand why some people feel the way they do and from a business perspective it doesn't seem to be as big of a draw but from a fans standpoint I do hope that Womens MMA finds a good stage. Keep doing what you girls do and I'll keep watching!

I think what most people are missing here is that promotors don't show you the top level female talent out there. Elite XC shows women fighting, but they have yet to showcase the top level of female fighters.

The biggest difference I see when watching Women's MMA is that the top level fighters always fight to win, not just not to lose...and it results in an exciting brand of fighting.

Alot of people need to check themselves with the whole, "I'd watch if the girls are hot and wearing next to nothing" attitude. You're not just disrespecting female fighters, you're disrespecting everyone who fights and that isn't cool. When I say I have respect for anyone who steps into the cage or ring and puts it all on the line, I mean everyone...

edited for double post.


I'm probably in the UFC's major demographic, and my favorite fighter is a woman, Kaitlin Young. I'm pretty biased because I've trained with her and she's beat me up a few times :) If you've never sparred a high level woman fighter, give it a shot, it can be pretty humbling if you can't check your ego.

I have a lot of respect for fighters like Kaitlin because she is one of the hardest working fighters I've ever met, if not THE hardest worker. I'm sure you could probably say the same for Tara Larosa, and some other women fighters. As long as they work hard, and don't expect preferential treatment I will respect them like I would any other fighter.

here is my opinion, PC or not...

I can watch and appreciate any sports, or any competition.  But if you give me the choice, ill make it. 

I prefer MMA to any other sport in the world.  But I still enjoy Football, Basketball, Boxing, Kickboxing, Wrestling..and a bunch others.  In almost all of these sports, there are Female versions.  I dont have anything against Womens MMA and can and do watch it, but if given the choice I would rather watch the Mens version of any of them.  Here is the reason.

When I watch the NBA, I see 10 guys on the court who all can do things that I cant.  Hit 3's, Dunk the ball, and make plays that take insane amounts of skill and talent (MJ or Larry Bird for example). Watching the NBA is the pinnacle of Basketball and every game you'll see things that are impossible for 99% of the people watching to do.  Now when I watch the WNBA, there is no doubt in my mind that the women playing are all better than me at Basketball, but I have yet to see an alley-oop in the WNBA, and the level of play is similar to Mens HS ball...Which when compared to the NBA will never get me as excited.

The same can be said for Womens MMA, while I know that Tara LaRosa is very skilled and would more than likely beat the ever-loving crap out of me...If I watch her fight, I'm not on the edge of my seat, because I dont feel like she could end the fight with a high kick KO, or a flying knee, or a flying armbar...While these moves are rare in mens MMA as well, there is more of a possibility it could happen...But Women just arent as explosive and athletic as men, and I just cant get as excited when I feel like I am watching a lower(even if slightly) level of competition.  Just like I would rather watch Anderson Silva over Ameteur MMA at a local show.  Sorry, I respect the hell out of Women who compete, its just not as exciting for me as a spectator.

Is anyone else getting a little sick of hearing "bad for the sport" 24/7? 

No !!! No !!! the UFC only is belong the men and for real fighter and the women is very bad for fight at UFC !!!

Yes, I have seen many female mma fights, and some were good, some were ok. People want to see in fights, the things that fighting bring out of people, anger, brutality, but also heart, and mercifulness. It is dramatic, and exciting. Why do you think so many people on here talk about a gay ass Forrest and Rampage fight on the set of TUF. They want something dramatic to happen that distracts them from the monotony and dullness of their own lives. That is big ko's unexpected submissions, and injuries. Women's mma is like jr. high basketball and men's mma is like college football.

The worst injury I've seen in female mma was in bodog where that girl fell wrong on her leg and it snapped, and that wasn't exactly BJ Penn or Sakuraba technique. I might be quite different in my views of mma, because I train and I have competed and I understand what it takes to be a fighter, while most, almost all people have not a single clue as to what it takes to be an athlete. Would I rather watch Tara Larosa vs. another top female mma fighter than Fedor vs. Hong Man or Giant Silva, yes. Would the majority of mma fans, probably not. Could Tara vs. Roxane Modaferi or Jerrica Jack be a great fight, competive and exciting. Yes. Would it ever mean anything compared to Hendo vs. Silva or GSP Serra or BJ vs Sherk, absolutely not. I've never seen a girl who could remotely do anything like GSP, Silva, or BJ. I'm sure BJ and GSP couldn't do some of the things females can do, but those things have nothing to do with athletics.

Mcdonalds is popular because people are lazy, and stupid. The same way my parents are for eating 15 servings of chips and dip in a day, that cost 5 dollars or so, and complaining about being fat and tired all the time, when if they just had the resolve to cook the 25cent chicken breasts they've had in the freezer for months instead of doing what is easy, they might not be in the shape they're in (physically and financially).

Women's mma won't be popular with women because most women don't care about ahtletics. They care about Gucci bags and The Hills and shoes and makeup and gossip and being satisfied based on what they think they deserve just for being.

Women don't dream of being Tara Larosa for the most part, they might want to be tough like her, or famous, but not an athlete.

How many guys on here wish they were Randy or Chuck or Anderson Silva?

How many guys go to the mma gym where you train? How many women? How many guys watch Martha Stewart or whoever, how many women do? Part of it might be society and gender roles, but mostly it has to do with physical things, like hormones, muscle mass, bone density, spacial relations, reaction time, that all favor men and make men's mma more competitive and more exciting for the masses.