Woodley: Things in Ferguson not going to end well

"It is not going to end well, no matter which way it ends. I hope that people are thinking about that, and I hope they are ready to heal and to mend."

Hecklah - 
brixx139 -
Santo Amaro -

So lets get this straight. If someone resists arrest shoot to kill?

I would suggest using lethal force if your life is in danger. And that does not mean feeling threatened. That means your life is in danger.

If you feel threatened and want to puss out like a bitch perhaps fire a warning shot or maybe shoot the guy in the foot/leg/arm/ - many things before unloading a clip into someone who you feel "threatened" by. Anyhow I'm outa here... thread should be about how positive Woodley is for MMA and Ferguson not defending violence


^^^has never shot a gun in his life nor has he had any firearms training. So many things wrong with what you just said Phone Post 3.0
He's probably never even seen a gun. He lives in the UK. They can't even use firearms unless the criminals so and then they can call in the weapons for use. Their police force is the equivalent of Barney Fife waiting for Andy Griffith to give them the bullets for his gun. This asshole shouldn't even worry about Ferguson. He should worry about the abundance of Muslims in his country. I read somewhere that Birmingham has close to 25% of it's population claiming Muslim as their religion. Phone Post 3.0

BOOM! U have in sighted the hate of many!

trobinson21 - 
PunkGuy -
trobinson21 - 
PunkGuy - All the witnesses ON RECORD have said:

1. there was an altercation at the cops window
some said Brown was trying to pull away

2. there was a shot fired at the car
3. Brown started to run away
4. Wilson (cop) got out and started firing
5. Brown was either hit or turned because of shots
6. Brown put hands up
7. Wilson continued firing

Any so-called witnesses saying Brown "charged" at the cop seem to be mysterious radio callers that happen to know someone who knows someone else, who knows a cop who knows Wilson.
Not credible.

If he had his hands up why wasn't he shot under his arm instead of the front bicep? Also, the "witness" said the officer grabbed Mike and pulled him into his car. Why in Earth would a policeman pull you into the driver seat? Finally, if you listen to the audio of the video of him laying on the ground, the other witness said Mike turned around and went back at the officer.

All of your "facts" are as good as my 'facts" it's all unknown, I do know he patrolled that city for over 6 years and never even assaulted anyone yet you folks believe he woke up that morning wanting to kill a black kid.

Some people's internal thought process is flawed by the angst they have for police because of the authority they represent. Phone Post 3.0

"If he had his hands up why wasn't he shot under his arm instead of the front bicep?"

Dr. Biden press conference:
"8:11 AM PT: Says shot to lower arm "consistent" with either facing away or having arms up to surrender."

"Also, the "witness" said the officer grabbed Mike and pulled him into his car. Why in Earth would a policeman pull you into the driver seat?"

Pulled into car doesn't necessarily mean, he's laying on the cop. Could mean his upper body only.

Keep in mind, the witness said when they were walking (before the entire incident), the cop said:
"get the fuck on the sidewalk”

not exactly de-escalating the situation.

"the other witness said Mike turned around and went back at the officer."

One guy's statement, versus 4 others saying he didn't move. Plus that guy didn't say he charged at the officer. Listen to those gunshots and you'll see there's no way he could've "charged."

"I do know he patrolled that city for over 6 years and never even assaulted anyone"

You know that for a fact?
"The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson."

So I guess you're wrong with your "I do know he patrolled that city for over 6 years..."

"Schottel got another unpleasant surprise when he sought the use-of-force history of the officers involved. He learned that before a new chief took over in 2010 the department had a surprising protocol for non-fatal use-of-force reports.

“The officer himself could complete it and give it to the supervisor for his approval,” the prior chief, Thomas Moonier, testified in a deposition. “I would read it. It would be placed in my out basket, and my secretary would probably take it and put it with the case file.”

No copy was made for the officer’s personnel file.

“Everything involved in an incident would generally be with the police report,” Moonier said. “I don’t know what they maintain in personnel files.”

“Who was in charge of personnel files, of maintaining them?” Schottel asked.

“I have no idea,” Moonier said. “I believe City Hall, but I don’t know.”

This is the problem with people like you, Biden never said that at all, it's a Twitter myth. When people like you use 160 characters and the eyewitness testimony of a chick with 7 kids who blindly defends anyone darker than Shemar Moore and the robbery accomplice who has been convicted of lying before. You trust criminals more than good men trying to do their job because you have internal issues.

You people probably hated the high school quarterback and the prom queen too.

Here is the exact quote from Biden's autopsy:

" One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury ... It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.
Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front." Phone Post 3.0

If you read my post, it says:

Dr. Biden press conference:
"8:11 AM PT: Says shot to lower arm "consistent" with either facing away or having arms up to surrender."

The PRESS CONFERENCE regarding the autopsy. He's explaining his findings.

Also, "Prof. Parcells said a wound on Brown’s right arm was “consistent with a witness statement” that Brown was first shot while facing away from Wilson"

Is Prof. Parcells light enough for you?

"Dr. Baden says there was no evidence on Brown's body of a struggle."

There were more than one witness to his "surrender."