Worse ear ripping than Sakuraba (GRAPHIC PICS)

From MMAfighting.com's "Best of Japan Photos" round up.

Believe it or not, Kazushi Sakuraba's ear getting half torn off at Dynamite!! was not the worst ear injury of the year.

Not a picture I would really call a favorite of mine or even one I enjoy looking at, but Uchiyama's horrific ear injury was probably my most viewed photo of 2010.

A crowd of officials and photographers gathered around it, trying to figure out what it was. Uchiyama kept fighting as though nothing happened but you could tell that he was aware of the injury as he was circling away from the referee to hide his ear. As soon as it was noticed the bout was of course stopped.

Fortunately Uchiyama's ear was successfully reattached using veins from his thigh and doesn't actually look that bad considering what happened. He is back in the gym but has not fought since. He was trying to keep his fighting career a secret from his employer.


Ear chunk:


Holy Shit!!! Man, that dude's one tough SOB...Man, I can't imagine if my eat got ripped off.

 How did that happen to his ear?

Randy Marsh -  How did that happen to his ear?

 I think his opponent through Hakashiri denaka iki

Ear displacement punch.

Sak's was still worse. It was still partially attached, but 3/4 was hanging. Dude here only lost 1/4. Phone Post

Margarito vs Lujan Boxing was pretty bad...he kept fighting too...one tough SOB... 

Damn! Does cauliflower make it easier to rip off? Phone Post

^^^Yes that and scarring weaken the tissue after awhile. Phone Post


Randy Marsh -  How did that happen to his ear?

They were on the ropes and his ear got tangled in between the rope and one of those thin cables holding the ropes together, he puled away and bam ear on the floor...

I still can't get over that thing...the upper ear part, which is on the mat, almost looks fake...(before people get defensive, I know that it's not fake)

I remember that: Didn't he cut it on the ropes?

Gruesome stuff, either way.

lildragonof - 
Randy Marsh -  How did that happen to his ear?

They were on the ropes and his ear got tangled in between the rope and one of those thin cables holding the ropes together, he puled away and bam ear on the floor...
Not unprecedented.



<blockquote>brotha lynch hung - I ripped my ear worse in rugby</blockquote><br />Tape around the ears bro!! it works..

brotha lynch hung - ^ I actually had both ears taped , somehow still fucked it. I use a scrum cap now.

Let me guess...second row?


Outside centre checking!

*checking IN!