Worst broken nose in MMA history?

Let's see your pics and gifs.

Olaf Alonso. That thing looks like a road map. Phone Post

Rich Franklin got fucked up pretty good. I thought it was photoshopped first time i saw it lol

Brandon Vera!!

The TUF fight where a guy's training partner from back home caved in his nose. Maybe 2 seasons ago?

 ^^ This one:

Charley Lynch rocks a busted up nose

Charley Lynch

holy shit
my eyes are watering just thinking about it

anyone who has taken a decent shot in the nose is cringing right now


No seriously Lynch would be my vote

Best was when he was like Bro your nose is fuccccked, mid fight


Vera's was pretty bad...ouch

 Vera's is the worst that I can think of off the top of my head

 Yeah vera and the tuf guys looks really bad.

Franklins looks broken indeed but Vera's looks out of this world.

to me that Charley Lynch one doesn't look too bad. I think the huge bump on his forehead might make it look worse then it was

Mark Hall v A fat Sumo guy in an early UFC (7 if I remember correctly) Phone Post

Buck 65 - to me that Charley Lynch one doesn't look too bad. I think the huge bump on his forehead might make it look worse then it was

nah, thats cuz you are only seeing the after. he looks like a different person before and after. his was HORRIBLE. he had kind of a big nose before... prominent bridge, kidna pointed down.

after, he had like a little pug nose.