Diego stole my name - umm.. Its easy making a list similar to your own
Couture? Didnt he get tapped in like a minute by Alistairs brother?
Noguiera? The guy who literally looked like a punching bag against Frank Mir of all people? Alistar would have sent his head into the 10th row. His wrestling is 10 times better than Mirs and he is a much better and harder hitter
Mir? He has no wrestling ability and Brandon Vera the wannabe K-1 striker KOd him brutally on the feet
That leaves Lesnar
Except that your justifications are retarded and not based on facts. Overeem hasn't done shit in MMA at HW and was beat down by all the top 10 guys at LHW that he faced.
it's a shame you can't see the obvious like his great striking game and pretty good ground game. overeem is a different fighter at heavyweight he no longer is depleting hisself going to 205. do you think it's a good idea for anyone who is athletic and 6'5" to drop down to 205? that's suicide...he's 6'5"!
aikmanr - He's too weak on the ground. He'd get submitted or GNP'd by the top guys.
he won the European ADCC trials, you choad licker.
Yes, he's got a great guillotine. Does not mean that the top GNP guys would not and should not be favored over him. I'd love to see Overeem in the UFC but there is no erason to believe he will simply walk through the current champions.
You should actually watch the ADCC's he was in. He didn't walk in to any picknick. You actually have to position yourself in ADCC in an art call "grappling." Being labeld a striker back then, and actually taking it to bonifide grapplers was impressive. Not to mention that he's developed so much of his ground game since then. Just because we haven't seen it much (b/c he's knocking people the fuck out) doesn't mean it doens't exist.
Catch my drift?
lol, I do indeed catch your "drift". I have seen them. He is very impressive. I never said his ground game "doesn't exist" did I? I said A. I'd love to see him in the UFC B. I still think the vey best gnp guys (like Brock Lesnar) should be favored over him still (not much of an insult at all) and that there is no reason to believe he will "walk through" the top heavies. Would he compete? Yes. Do I think he has the potential to become a champ? Yes. That's why I'd love to see him in the UFC. Bring Semmy back too!
EckY - Overeem was 22 when Chuck beat him and it was his first big fight, cant hold it agaisnt him now.
So you are saying you can improve your chin and much of it has to do with age? Because Chack and Shogun are small heavyweights and they fucking pounded Overeem into la-la land. I don't care if you put on 200#s of pure muscle, your chin will be the same. If 205# Chack can put Overeem on queer street then imagine what some of these monsters will do.
Overeem loses the big fights that matter. He got finished by Nog, Shogun and Arona BACK TO BACK. Then he beat Michael Knapp. Wow. Impressive. he thinks he's ready for big fights so he takes on Kharitonov and gets KOed. He then strings together wins against Buentello, Tae Hyun Lee, Gary Goodridge and Mark Hunt and now he's ready to annihilate everyone in the UFC?
Mister Brooks - LMFAO @ this delusional fawning over the Tin Man's current "streak" at heavyweight.
I'd love to fucking know WHO in the top 10 or even anywhere near it(like Sergei, Aleksander, Rothwell, Herring, Nelson, ect.) WOULDN'T look good against Buentello, Hunt, Goodridge, and Tae Hyun Lee if those were their most recent 4 fights.
Agreed.Overeem hasnt been as impressive lately as people are saying.
Diego stole my name - umm.. Its easy making a list similar to your own
Couture? Didnt he get tapped in like a minute by Alistairs brother?
Noguiera? The guy who literally looked like a punching bag against Frank Mir of all people? Alistar would have sent his head into the 10th row. His wrestling is 10 times better than Mirs and he is a much better and harder hitter
Mir? He has no wrestling ability and Brandon Vera the wannabe K-1 striker KOd him brutally on the feet
That leaves Lesnar
Except that your justifications are retarded and not based on facts. Overeem hasn't done shit in MMA at HW and was beat down by all the top 10 guys at LHW that he faced.
it's a shame you can't see the obvious like his great striking game and pretty good ground game. overeem is a different fighter at heavyweight he no longer is depleting hisself going to 205. do you think it's a good idea for anyone who is athletic and 6'5" to drop down to 205? that's suicide...he's 6'5"!
Where did I say that he has a non-existant ground game? I said it's simply not good enough to beat the top grapplers in the UFC. The guy hasn't shown to have any greater gas tank at HW... see the video above. If he can't take out guys like Arona and Werdum, I think he would have some major trouble against other top grapplers. It's logic. Don't buy into the UG hype, it's almost always wrong.
Diego stole my name - What part of my post was non factual?
Did Noguiera not get obliterated by Frank Mir of all people?
Did Couture not get tooled on the ground by Alistairs brother?
Did Frank Mir not get used as a thaibag by overhyped Brandon Vera who has achieved about as much as Overeem as a HW?
If by some chance i just imagined these scenarios then feel free to correct me
Couture? Didnt he get tapped in like a minute by Alistairs brother?
I'm sorry but comparing Couture's performance, which was his 2nd of the night after going to a decision in the first in 2001 to how he has performed since is ridicuolous. There's not even correlation to hold this argument together.
Noguiera? The guy who literally looked like a punching bag against Frank Mir of all people? Alistar would have sent his head into the 10th row. His wrestling is 10 times better than Mirs and he is a much better and harder hitter
Alistair doesn't have the ground game of Mir. Nogueira went in with the game plan similar to his fight with Werdum and was surprised by Mir's standup. He would take Alistair down, wear him out and submit him.
Mir? He has no wrestling ability and Brandon Vera the wannabe K-1 striker KOd him brutally on the feet
No wrestling ability? Please noob.
What you have is a collection of loosely fit half-truths, lies and gross exaggerations. Alistair is good, but trying to fool others into believing that he is the best in the world after getting tooled by the last top 20 HW he faced in the first round seems rather ridiculous.
i would like to see him fight GG or brock - i would prob favor the current UFC fighters over him in both - its always hard to know how a dude will come into the ufc and perform, and its usually not well at first
Adam98SVT - I hope he comes to UFC, and I hope his recent sucess doesnt have to do with suplements that are banned in the US. He would be a very very dangerous opponent to any current UFC heavyweight.
As dangerous as he is on his feet, Id like to see how he would do against someone his size like Brock, especially considering Brock is a wrestler.
Interesting to see how he would deal with that.
Alistar moving to HW was great for his career and great for the fans. Especially if he did not require suplements illegal in the US.
Brock hasn't been hurt by using any supplements in the US, hater boy. So assuming Alistair is on any is kinda a weak move.
Anyway, Brock's going to end up with his cro magnon oversized Tito head with a large knee crater in it.
Wow. You did not at all read my post correctly. Reactionary a bit?
I like Alistar. I really hope he got big clean. I also think Brock would not roll over for Alistar like most claim.
what most people don't realize, is that alistar had a hard time staying down at 205.... he said he had to lift minimal weights or he would get too heavy... he fought in california already for strikforce and passed the test then...
victorpoprock - I think right now, put him in with Brock and he would knock his block off. I seriously don't see anyone in the UFC HW division that would be favored to win against Overeem.
First off...Who the fuck says knock your block off.. Second....I bet you would be supprised the way that one would turn out.