Would fancy leglock game work in this situation?

all that spinning leglock stuff.

would it work in street situation?

like around 1:11

Sickle sweep

Shooting seemed pretty effective though 

A technical stand up would have been good at least.

And yeah the fancy leg lock stuff would work too.  

I do like the cops telling the guy to stand down after he's been shot and probably dead lol.

I have no sympathy for the dead guy cause he was acting in a way that is gonna get you shot, but a punch in the face and a double leg would have probably done the trick.. Now the copper has to live with the fact hes killed a man. 

I would have 100% destroyed that guys long ass legs!!!!

PeoriaBJJ -

I would have 100% destroyed that guys long ass legs!!!!

I think I would have too,  and Im not half a good ax you are

Any back story on this? Guy was way bigger but the cop just doesnt have any grappling sense. Its sad but you just can't be dragging a leg of a copy who was just trying to find out whats going on. Fucking crazy.

Can’t believe he didn’t get shot earlier, that first cop took a big risk pulling his gun and not dropping the perp

Legs too long, going to have to switch to the calf slicer.

robbie380 - 

A technical stand up would have been good at least.

And yeah the fancy leg lock stuff would work too.  

I do like the cops telling the guy to stand down after he's been shot and probably dead lol.

Dude’s head popped up and started looking around. Seemed like he wanted to get back up but couldn’t.

Ok, so honestly, I want to talk about this a little more, first and foremost I'm not saying this is a bad shoot or trying to defend the attacker; I don't know anything about the situation other than what is on that video.  This is a perfect example of why LEOs need to train and be routinely tested in grappling, I'm not even just saying BJJ, but straight up grappling.  Officer 1 on bottom could have gotten up or at least defended himself, but he shouldn't have even been put there.  He relied too heavily on his taser and then tried switching to his baton as a last ditch effort when basic grappling or hand to hand combat training could have stopped the entire thing from escalating and could have saved a life (in this case the attackers); The attackers wild swings would have allowed a level change to step in for a wrestling shot/bodylock/throw/Judo takedown (hell flying kani basami if you really want fancy leglocks).  But even once it was on the ground there were options (sickle sweeps, technical stand up, etc.) But the officer still hung onto his baton even when the suspect dragged him around in a circle by his foot.

Officer 2 shows up and what's he do?  He immediately went for his gun against an unarmed suspect.  Why?  It's simple, he's trained on it.  He has to continually train on it.  He certifies in it on a scheduled basis that he is proficient in it.  Just like Officer 1 went for his taser, which is again something that LEOs have to go through training for. 

I think all LEOs should have to qualify in grappling to show proficiency at least once a year, force them to train.  Hell, give them time to train during their work weeks.  But that way when they're in the heat of the moment, their fall back won't be to pull their firearm, it'll be to level change and step in for a takedown to control the situation in a non-lethal means if possible.

Cops don’t willingly grapple with people for a number of reasons. A D1 wrestler black belt cop doesn’t want to grapple with a suspect. 

weaktendons - 

I have no sympathy for the dead guy cause he was acting in a way that is gonna get you shot, but a punch in the face and a double leg would have probably done the trick.. Now the copper has to live with the fact hes killed a man. 

I’m not a cop or have expertise in this, but I think you also need to consider risk of:

  • allowing the other guy access to your gun

  • putting yourself in a position where you couldn’t access/use the gun yourself when you deemed it necessary.