I know 90% of the UG would like to see UFC either get rid of WMMA or put it on its own WUFC cards so it does not water down the men’s MMA but what about weight classes?
I understand offering both genders on each card and all weight classes is what allows UFC to book fights wherever they can get them where it works for both camps and sometimes local audiences and its part of what makes it possible for UFC to pump out almost four events a month on average.
That being said UFC could deliver some incredible events featuring just their best weight classes alone and they could still stick with their current format for most cards.
I think its certainly possible for UFC to book things like a legends card featuring all the old vets like Lawler, Miller, Cruz, etc… on a single themed card and its also possible for UFC to feature great deep weight classes on their own card, even if it has to be once in a while.
I still maintain an all LW card or say an all BW card or MW card with the title fight as the headliner would just be about the most high quality and incredible thing that the UFC could do for the hardcore fans. Not a PRIDE Bushido 16 man GP but it would just be great and 100x better than something like the Holm Fight Night cookie cutter format they have perfected.
It should be the standard. Would be much easier to follow and much easier to matchmake.
Themed cards like legends night would also be a great idea.
One thing that holds it back from being the standard format is while it works great in say the APEX or Vegas…UFC needs to be able to stack cards with fighters from a given nationality when they go to say Perth, London, Abu Dhabi, Rio, NYC, etc… they don’t want to be limited to a single weight class for those events.
I still think its something that would work great as well as the legends cards. Its just not something they need to do each weekend but neither are these cookie cutter cards.
The average Fight Night is carried by BW, LW, FW and WW by the numbers and then they sprinkle in the FLW’s and HW’s who get a single fight on the card and then if its a good card it will have say some MW’s and if it sucks it will have 3-4 WMMA fights to thin it out and meet the ESPN contract demands.
I just see no reason to stick with the cookie cutter format for every single card.
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Exceptions can always be made while generally sticking to the standard. I would be fine with not even going that far and just having any kind of structure for cards. They’re so random now, seemingly thrown together.
Themes would be a great change of pace. Legends cards, top prospects cards, single division cards, BMF style cards, country vs. country, gym vs. gym, strikers vs. grapplers, etc. Plenty of possibilities.