Would you support Aspinall vs Pereira HW title fight headlining 300?

Fuck no.

And who cares about 3 titles. Itā€™s such a stupid useless accomplishment the way it would pan out.

The right dude could win 3 titles in 3 fights but that doesnā€™t mean fuck all. I am a broken record but titles donā€™t mean shit, theyā€™re shiny trinkets for the wall or Tim Sylviaā€™s bed. The only thing that gives them any weight is the hard road to get there.

Climbing multiple mountains is historic, taking a helicopter to the peak and taking some selfies is stupid and nothing.

Just another lame side effect of the zillenial immediate gratification generation. They think this shit is meaningful somehow.

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Unless the person beats Jones or the ā€œrealā€ HW champ, that title wonā€™t carry as much weight behind it. Jones needs to heal up and fight or retire or Aspinall needs to fight Stipe and solidify the division.

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Say UFC does end up going with Conor vs Diaz 3 for UFC 300. Would they bother to put title fights under it or just save them all for UFC 301, 302 etcā€¦?

At 200, UFC had the Anderson and Brock fights higher on the card than the Aldo vs Edgar II interim title fight so it would not be unheard of for Conor to headline with a title fight under that in the co-main at 300.

If Conor vs Nate does happenā€¦could UFC go with Dustin vs Chandler II as maybe a PPV opener or prelim headliner for 300?

Dustin Chandler was FOTN when it happened in Nov of 2022 and it was Chandlerā€™s last fight and Dustinā€™s last win and one of his two most recent fights.

If Conor vs Diaz 3 did end up headlining 300 then I say have Dustin vs Chandler 2 headline the prelims. Dustin and Chandler have expressed interest in fighting on 300, as have Conor and Diaz.


I donā€™t think this fight is happening. But I would have no issue with it. Honestly I am unimpressed by the fights they have announced for 300.

Not big enough for a headliner on a card of that magnitude imo. Also it seems like a huge mismatch to me. If we are gonna have Alex at HW then iā€™d prefer him fighting Lewis or Tai.

itā€™s an interesting match for hardcores, but a massive show needs huge names to attract the casualsā€¦ which is surely how the ufc profits the most. casuals donā€™t know Pereira is looking for a triple title, and they probably couldnā€™t give a fuck to have it explained to them.

but they do know who Conor is. plus that Diaz gangster guy who smokes dope! conor/nate 3 is the biggest possible fight. they could probably get away with chandler. but a talented British guy against a kickboxer isnā€™t good enough for the mainstream.

Soā€¦ this fight has gone from what was seen as a terrible idea by a lot of you after Gloverā€™s comment to now being what looks likeā€¦ one of the only decent options the UFC has for a 300 main event.

They canā€™t drag Brock back out there.
Not gonna get GSP or Ronda either.
Conorā€¦not gonna happen, seems to want to fight out his contract and they donā€™t want him doing that on 300.
Du Plessis donā€™t want to headline 300, he wants more time and a show in South Africa.
Jones and Stipeā€¦ canā€™t happen and nobody cares if it could.
Oā€™Malley is headlining 299 and Volk 298.
Strickland would headline 300 but they gave the belt to the other guy.
Makhachev is not fighting in April.

All that to say UFC seems to have run out of options for a headliner to 300.

Tate vs Nunes 2 is not gonna cut it.

Aspinall vs Pereira headlining 300.a fight mocked by most at firstā€¦ now looks like the only dog they got right now that will hunt.


It would not be a satisfactory main event but it would show what a savage Pereira is. Kickboxersā€™ mindsets are different. Stay active and fight anyone.

Hell, Iā€™d come off the couch for a chance to win a title. I bet heā€™d take a shot at the HW belt with a weekā€™s notice just so he could make history.

Edit my dumb joke.

Itā€™s a great fight for a special event like UFC 300. As for the other champs, you listed them, Islam is the one dick in the picture. Why is he not fighting???

Honestly, I donā€™t understand why round numbers need to be special. 50, 100, 200, etc. In the grand scheme of things, 300 doesnā€™t mean any more than 297 or whatever. Itā€™s all just a weird desire to come up with milestones.

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Iā€™d be interested in this fight.

I like both fighters, and would hate to see either lose.
I think Potan has a 25% chance of winning,
But if Aspinall is smart then it could be quick like Jones/Gane

Chandlerā€™s tweet reminds me of that ridiculous Dana White special about his road to boxing Tito. lol

Both fighters are exciting and dangerous strikers, with Aspinall known for his powerful kicks and Pereira known for his devastating punching power. This could be a very explosive and entertaining fight.

Jones came out and said this weekend that Hunter called him trying to get him to come back early and fight Stipe at 300.

So UFC needs to try to get that garbage fight as the headliner meanwhile Dana spins it here on this podcast like there is still some magic unbelievable great options.

Aspinall said yesterday he heard Pereira is not moving up to HW right now. That makes sense and is no surprise.

Now if Aspinall and Pereira were to each get a few defenses of their titlesā€¦ I could see the fight happening at IFW in 2025 or something but of course all the stars would have to align.