Would you want to see me of TUF 15!?

Art Corvelay - Which Friends alum starred in films with Bruce Willis?

We answered so fast it was scary.

Everyone stared in awe when we screamed Matthew Perry.

Now quiet in the theater or it’s gonna get tragic.

We’re bout to get taken to a dream world of magic.

 I have no idea what that means..........................................................but i like it!

 Heck yeah, I'd like to see you on TUF.  Let us know if there is anything we can do to help get you there!

 Just continue to show your support!! I appreciate it!!

You definitely deserve to be on the show. The Carebear comes to fight. Smart fighter, great team. Doesn't get much more solid.

 just figured out twitter... follow me if you dare!!! @MatthewPerryMMA

 Well guys doubt they will be calling in the next two days.... I left it all out in Vegas and have no regrets.  just gotta keep fighting and keep winning, improving till they give me my shot and I take advantage of it.  Love you all for the support!!

I'll be back in action in a few weeks for a very tough fight Jan 7th.

thanks again for the support!