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Friday, May 13, 2011

Going Pro: Getting to Know Matthew "The Carebear" Perry



By: Lacey Neher

If you have been to some local MMA shows in Indiana, there is a chance you have seen this guy. He goes by the fighting name "The Carebear" and lately he has been seen wearing pink fight shorts that are quickly becoming his signature fighting color. Don't let the cutsie nickname and shorts fool you though, Matthew Perry is an up and coming MMA fighter and force to be reckoned with in the MMA community. He has a record of 7-2 and he is making his pro debut on June 18th in Kokomo Indiana with the Colisseum Combat promotion. He is fighting Mark Neville a fighter in which he used to train with and has fought before. Perry used to fight in the 155 lbs division, but has found succes in the 145 lbs division currently.

Mark Slater is the owner/promoter of Colisseum Combat and he had this to say of Perry, "As a promoter I always know I am going to get an exciting fight if I get Matthew Perry on the card. He is undefeated as an ammy for us at Colosseum Combat as he nears his pro debut June 18th. What many people dont know is that me and the Carebear actually fought on the same card back in the day. !was definitely a care-bear fan before it was chic!"

I personally have gotten to know Matt when he has joined the live chats on this website during big MMA events. He is a very polite and humble young guy and it's always nice to have a fighters perspective during the fights. I had the opportunity to ask "The Carebear" where he got his nickname and why he has an affinity for pink recently. Take a moment to get to know him and check out his highlight video at the end of the interview. 




"The Carebear" throwing a super punch

in his last fight.


LN: Tell us a little about yourself and what are your roots in MMA?



??????MP:Well Currently I am a senior in college majoring in Exercise Science with hopes of getting my masters in strength and conditioning in the near future while juggling a pro mma career as well. I got started like most wrestlers do, I missed competing in athletics after I stopped wrestling in college. So naturally I took to a local gym to do muay thai and bjj and eventually I looked to take a fight just to prove that I could do it.

LN: Do you feel more pressure, now that you are going pro?

MP: Not really I have always tried to conduct my training camps as though I was already a professional the only thing that changes is I actually start making a little money for all the hard work I put in.

LN: How are you preparing for your next opponent?

MP:  Being that it is a rematch and he is a former training partner and I've seen most of his fights he is pretty familiar to me but I expect to him to be a better fighter than the first time we fought. I also expect him to know my usual game plan which forces me to evolve as a fighter which I always appreciate.

LN: Who do you look up to?

MP: Fighter wise Randy Couture is my idol not only is he a great fighter and role model he is also a very nice and approachable guy. The person I most look up to is my head coach and bjj blackbelt James Clingerman. James is the toughest guy I know he has been through much adversity in his life and he never let it stop him or used it as an excuse. He has taken me under his wing and I am lucky enough to learn from him everyday.

LN: Where did you get your nickname "The Carebear"?

MP: Well like most nicknames it started off as a joke. My former trainer's fiance gave it to me on the way to my first fight(in which my opponent backed out) she said I was just too nice to be a fighter and I was always laughing and smiling while sparring or choking people out and I always asked them if they were ok if I hurt them so it kinda fit. It's stuck with me ever sense and now I kind of embrace it because it reflects my persona. Im happy a majority of the time and fighting makes me happy, I don't have to be serious or get angry to fight, if i did I probably wouldn't have the desire or drive to pursue it as a career.

LN: What's it like training at the Indiana Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy?

Perry with his corner team

MP: It's the best! Not only the quality of training and the cleanliness of the gym but also the family atmosphere that our team possess. The group of guys I train with are like brothers and we all help each other get ready for each others fights and hangout and watch mma fights on the weekends aswell. It has really been the determining factor of my success. The staff of coaches and their wealth of knowledge accompanied with their willingness to help creates the best learning environment possible. Without them I wouldn't be the fighter I am today.


 LN: Tell me why your signature fighting color is pink?

This past September my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She lives in Georgia so it was hard not to be able to be by her side in her time of need. It was a hard time for me to deal with because she didn't really have any one to be there for her and take care of her. I attained a pair of pink shorts from my kickboxing coach and I decided I was going to where them for my next fight in October the national breast cancer awareness month. They were well received and they went well with my nickname so now they are kind of my thing now.

LN: What moment in your MMA journey are you most proud of?

MP: Signing my first autograph and taking my first photo with a fan after a fight. Also all my little kid fans that support me its great to see them in my carebear shirts and at my fights. It's moments like those that make it worth it.

LN: What is your favorite thing about being a mixed martial artist?

MP: I just love training and seeing myself get better at the different disciplines. I love competing and testing myself against my own limits.

LN: Is there anything you would like to add?

MP: I would like to thank Real Women and Men Watch MMA for this interview and all the mma coverage you provide. I would also like to thank my sponsors, Fleyes Gear, HouseCatMMA, and WSBC. Thanks!!!

Thanks Matt! Best of luck on all your future endeavors.


Really would and I love the ug thanks for posting I will ttt this and root for you congrats on your future success! Phone Post

P4PBOSS -  Really would and I love the ug thanks for posting I will ttt this and root for you congrats on your future success! Phone Post

 Thanks !! Promise to always be loyal to the UG !!

 Got slam?

 pajama fightin!

I'd like to see it! Phone Post

 submission wrastlin!!

Were you on friends? Phone Post

 Yes and no!

Why not, you were likeable enough on friends

Im down.

I refuse to endorse you on TUF....unless you promise a shoutout to FROMAN while subbing someone and looking directly in the camera.

These are my terms.