Wow Dana..

I love how he's chirping Ben askren about being boring , when Ben would beat the shit outta him . When Ben has a point, when I'd the Olympics can do random tests , I'm sure one of the worlds largest/growing sports could get the funding for the same thing. Phone Post

 why would zuffa spend 2 million dollars to do it's own testing when it already spends millions in athlestic commission fee's to do just that?

Moreover, more testing and improving the testing will not solve the problem... only make it worse...

Right now people say 90% use... So if we use logic, then we can deduce that 90% of the landscape is fair.

If you improve and increase testing, then only those that can afford their own chemist will have an advantage.  So we would go from 90% to 20% or less...  This means the sport would be less fair as the top of the payscale would have an unfair advantage whereas right now to a certain extent performance enhancement is affordable for most...

And when Im talking about ped's in the UFC, it's mostly used for recovery during training... unlike in japan and other places where you can shoot yourself up with pain killers and pcp right before a fight.

In the UFC your levels of humanity need to be in a normal range come fight time and if we are mature enough to accept reality, we'd realize that's the best system.


Dearest Kirik,

Please disable the ability to create threads from the iphone.  Initially I thought it was a great idea, but after seeing the effects of this feature I have changed my mind.  Thank you in advance.

mixedmartialfarts - Dearest Kirik,

Please disable the ability to create threads from the iphone.  Initially I thought it was a great idea, but after seeing the effects of this feature I have changed my mind.  Thank you in advance.

spot on

Yeah so what Ben could best Dana in a fight? You don't have to be equal to or better than them in order to criticise them, it's childish logic to think otherwise. Phone Post

Juicebox - I love how he's chirping Ben askren about being boring , when Ben would beat the shit outta him . When Ben has a point, when I'd the Olympics can do random tests , I'm sure one of the worlds largest/growing sports could get the funding for the same thing. Phone Post
When someone says stupid shit, try should expect a backlash, accusing the president of the UFC of being a liar especially for a headline, shows that ass-grin still doesn't have the game figured out. Phone Post

Bottom line, I know a lot of people who, by getting in trouble, had to take a lot of tests ... on their own dime. The UFC could easily employ a team to manage this and pay for the testing easy. Let's be loose and say 150k Even 200k a year (and people would do it for 35k to 50k a year easy) per person and make a team of 3 people to handle this rather than make "poor overworked" Dana manage it. That is cake ... easy.

That being said if Overeem fights without a REALLY good excuse for what happened ... I will watch the fights illegally for the first time ever ... Will mark the first PPV I have not bought in years. Phone Post

The Dean of Cuisine - Yeah so what Ben could best Dana in a fight? You don't have to be equal to or better than them in order to criticise them, it's childish logic to think otherwise. Phone Post
Agree. Phone Post