writer, not fighter

ttt Jim, I work that day you mentioned but I'll get it off one way or the other.

cool beans, pilot.

My super-secret sources put a copy of the session on youtube for you guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQjiBS5zjzw

Bluenamer, a little help?

If you didn't break out either 'Monkey Style' or the phrase 'Ninja Please' during any of it then I'm disowning you as my brother.

I know that you're not technically my brother but you get the idea.

untechnical dis- PWN3D

awesome stuff.

i tried to get some info on the last fight night but didnt get any responses. i'd love to check one out.

i can't see the youtube vid - what is it of?

ttt for siouxNYC, one of the people that has worked hard for this sport for a long time and continues to do so.



fred! how you been?

Been alright, Jim. Busy here in KC trying to get some things going. How's things for you back there? Shoot me an email one of these days and we will catch up.



Any idea when this may air? Would like to see it...


i lost my hotmail account and no longer have your email address. hit me up at "jim dot genia at ubs dot com" and i'll fire back.


i'll keep you posted if the channel decides to go through with the documentary.