
I am looking for staff for our events for various positions.

Currently forum brothers JUGGS and TANK act as a judge and timekeeper. Whilst Zviggy and his hetro-life partner silent aaron act as my gloving stewards.

Ideally I am looking for 2 full time judges who have an impartial an unbiased stance in relation to the fighters within Australia.

Also I need someone to be a backstage gloving steward too. this position is VITAL as you sign off the taping. The ideal applicant would be an experienced fighter. DONT FEAR - I can ensure you see all the action too :)

Juggs pls hit me an email as I have a mate of yours in mind.

PLEASE - Only Sothern Queensland residents apply or those who are willing to get themselves from intersate.

It's a great way to get up close and personal with the fighters and many international's we bring here (eg Dan SEVERN, Frank SHAMROCK, Joey VILLASENOR etc...) and see the fights too.

All inquiries




Will you be assuming your normal position as 'XFC mummy'?



justin ill help you out.........preferablly something that involves me talking.....at least that is something im good at!!!!!

Scotty you and big john are a lock. We'll tighten stuff up this time a bit. promise me not to use the C word again :)


no worries a bit more professional is needed. You just need to have something while the fight is on......last time you could hear people coughing!!!!