XFC results someone?

I'll report them as best as i remember! big props to justin for the awesome seats, cheers!

McCracken def. Insane Wayne when wayne couldn't cont.

Lemme def. Murie

Noke def. Raborn by choke (?)

Villasenor defeated Higgins (tapped due to strikes)

Soa by brutal beat down on the canadian, Cartwright. Soa is one big boy! not that Cartwright was small either though...

Steve Thomas def. Mick Cutajar via some leg submission, couldn't make out what. Cutajar's knee was a mess afterwards though! he could barely walk.

and the Main Event!
Bonello def. Severn by rear naked! the roof was absolutely blown off by this one! everyone was standing when bonello looked to have the choke in, and the crowd went nuts for severn.

There was another fight that was second of the night, but i can't remember who was in it, ended by sub about a min or so into the 1st, really quick!

Sorry if i stuffed anything up, anyone who was there feel free to correct any stuff ups!

2nd fight of the night was Zowie McGrath Vs Dean Butler - Dean won by Rear choke (I think.

great fight wayne, was awesome to watch! good luck with the baby, hope everything goes well!

Thanks guy's,
Had heaps of fun and enjoyed the night.

"Villasenor defeated Higgins (tapped due to strikes)"

He was awesome!! He threw with bad intentions and really hammered Higgins with some really hard puches from in the guard. Would love to see him fight again. Higgins will bounce bag though I'm sure.
- Juggs

Congratulations to all fighters!!!

Especially Soa, Lance Cartwright looked to be his biggest physical challenge to date and he just steps up to the challenge and excels, again, champion effort.

Does anyone know why Bonnello 'flipped the bird' to Dan Severn just prior to their match? A fast submission win over Severn must surely make him a likely match for the UFC or Pride.



Hey G if Bonello fliped the bird to a guy like Severn he has confirmed he is as big a fuck witt as his managment team!!!

did Wildchild fight?

no big D he did not... i don't remember what the reason was???

Big D when will you be fighting MMA?

Kyle Noke won by rear choke RND 2. Congratulations mate, finaly got to show off his grappling skills. A few anxious moments when Rayborn got his back but anyone that has grappled Kyle knows how difficult he is to submit even in that position. Kyle would like to thank his opponent [b]Jimmy Rayborn, his Team mates at Integrated Martial Arts, Roberto Traqvern BJJ Team all of his supporters, Sponsors GO FAST energy Drinks, Fairtex and the XFC Crew.[/b] Kyle will be travelling to Thailand in a couple of weeks to train with Fairtex.

Dan unfortunately was beaten after succumbing to some brutal shots from guard. He was absolutely pumped for this fight, scored with a great double leg takedown and worked in his opponents gaurd. When the fighters got back to their feet Dan had his wind taken away with a very well delivered knee, the fight going back to the ground with Villesanor delivering a number of powerful strikes which stunned Dan who was unable to recover in time to see the round out. Dan was very dissapointed but the reallity is that he has only fought once in 12 months and to defeat Villesanor who is one of Americas very best fighters was going to be a big ask. He will be back and I for one would not like to be his opponent coming off of his loss.

I took some badly-lit, badly timed, bad angle photos if anyone wants a look: http://milivoj.com/xfc4/

Milivoj, they're wicked. Cheers for the link.

The best thing about "badly-lit, badly timed, bad angle photos" is they hide my ugliness.

Seriously, though, Milivoj. Thanks.

steve54123 are you Steve Thomas? if so then congrats on the win! Kerry was has been looking at getting me a match for a while, i missed the last oportunity cos i was to heavy for the sugested fighter.

Was the Boxer Justin mentioned announced on the night or is this being announced at a later date?

Jason was out because he hurt his knee training jiu jits. I believe he was a judge though.

He told me over the next couple of years he wants to focus more on training then fighting and just sharpen up his whole game. All I can say is watch out.

Congrats on your win Steve you seem to have your MMA sub game down tight, I enjoyed your fight and Villasenor/Higgins the most.

awesome effort steve, what was the leg sub you pulled off?
ha ha i can imagine how wildchild got injured, Thiago loves to let you feel the pain at training.;-)
thiago:"the sound of people tapping is like samba to my ears"

thanks justees,
it was a not-so-smooth knee bar from guard, (he was standing) just managed to get it in the right spot... Last time i tried a knee bar in MMA i got stacked and pounded!!! lol
I have put a really poor video of my fight only on the web you can get it at
it is 1.8 meg
