Y Didnt Boxing Promoters Get KIMBO

I already know the answer but Kimbo really wasnt a street fighter. his rules were boxign except you can use elbows. I mean is mma fans that gullible that they think an internet figter can become a star in mma faster than boxing?

or does boxing promoters think their demographic has never heard of kimbo

why is it that boxing promoters never went after him and capitalized on his internet celebrity

because Kimbo's greatest weapon, the "Jedi force-push" is illegal in boxing.

Garnett said it. In boxing he'd have to have at least 15 to 20 fights before getting anywhere NEAR the spotlight he was able to get with EliteXC. In MMA he can walk right in with O fights and get a freakshow fight with Mercer and then co-headline a Showtime card in his "pro" debut. What a joke. In boxing you actually have to prove yourself to have some talent before you get put on big shows, thus the Kimbos, Sapps, and Johnnie Mortons will turn to MMA because they know they need zero experience and they can still fight in big shows like K-1 and EliteXC (and Pride before it went under).

"Kimbo wouldn't have made it in the upper tier of boxing and unlike MMA there isn't really a following for lower and middle tier pros. "

dude there isnt a following in mma either.. peopel just group kimbo with street fighting and street fighting with mma

very wrogn assumptions cuz 1. kimbo is not a street fighter and 2 street fighting isnt mma

He'd get embarrassed and made to look foolish by the first 21-30 journeymen he faced.

Vlad and Vitaly would brutally KO Kimbo

havokk_15 is correct, Boxing is a sport where you must earn the spotlight

lol, Kimbo would get tooled by journeyman heavyweights...but would have a punchers chance first rd

mma fans are more about being a tough guy and the side show that is kimbo fits this nice

MMA promoters offered more money.

Boxing promoters wanted him as well.

Get off your high horses on what you think boxing is. Both are the same in that regard.

"MMA promoters offered more money.

Boxing promoters wanted him as well.

Get off your high horses on what you think boxing is. Both are the same in that regard."

Give me a break. Top level MMA promoters offered him more money to CO-HEADLINE an EliteXC show. Do you honestly believe that major boxing promoters would have offered him an opportunity to CO-HEADLINE a major boxing card (with ZERO boxing experience)?? Some boxing promoters would have signed him and had him fight some rinky dink club shows to see how he developed, but they are not so starved for talent that they would throw him in a co-main event on a televised card.

^ correct

LOL at nobody paying attention.

Gary Shaw is both a boxing and MMA promoter. He wanted Kimbo for boxing, not MMA. He was told Kimbo was training for MMA. He asked Kimbo to switch to boxing after his first fight. It's up to Kimbo to make the choice. The boxing promoter wants him.

Shaw has said all of this publicly.

Mia St. John was a regular on boxing PPV shows, as was Butterbean from day one. Boxing fans need to quit fooling themselves. Both sports are all about promoting, and if they think a guy can draw, they'll promote him.

Brian Adams, the pro wrestler who died, was getting a semi-main event on a boxing PPV show in his first pro fight at the age of 38 about five or six years ago. Why? Because he could deliver Randy Savage in his corner. Boxing promoters have been after Big Show for ten years with million dollar offers.

If Kimbo says tomorrow he wants to box, there will be a line of promoters after him.

What all you boxing people (or should I say trolls) are missing is that in MMA which is much closer to a real fight than boxing is (BY FAR) Kimbo actually has a chance against higher competition. Tank Abbott was the first to prove this when he almost KO'd Don Frye with a jab and Bob Sapp continued the tradition against Nog.

Boxing is a very specific talent and this is why you don't see upset after upset in that sport. Most boxers against an MMA fighter in a NHB fight in a gym would get fucking eaten alive.

MMA is more of a fight with a million ways to lose and a million things to think about during a fight. This is why anything can happen and just being a tough motherfucker can actually mean something in the sport.

"LOL @ Boxing and MMA money being comparable."

True, Kimbo is making at least 100 times what he could make in boxing.

"If Kimbo says tomorrow he wants to box, there will be a line of promoters after him."

yeah im sure golden boy - arum - king -and the duvas will fall all overthemselves for him haha

"boxing fans are too old to figure out the internet"

Agreed! Lol!

"MMA is more of a fight with a million ways to lose and a million things to think about during a fight. This is why anything can happen and just being a tough motherfucker can actually mean something in the sport."

lol at this bullshit. the reason why there are so many upsets is because the top guys are not that much better than middle tier guys at striking. in 10 years I expect that to change.

BTW tough guys? dude i seen fear in rich franklin's eyes like i never seen in any top fighter before. You are suppose to lose that fear in the amateurs, specially when you are a top fighter. The truth is the top guys are very good at mma but some dont have fighter's mentality like boxers have. lets not mention gsp who taps from punches. TOUGH GUYS DONT TAP FROM PUNCHES!!!

and one on one, yeah the mma guy beats a boxer in a controlled environment. Thats what they train for using as many weapons as you can use in a controlled environment. But guess what, A REAL FIGHT is NOT A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT.

The Guillotine is correct!

lol at Bobby Lupos statement,"boxing fans are to old to figure out the internet"