Y-Guard was a Game Changer this year

"2023 Reflections: The Y-Guard Revolutionized My BJJ Game! :martial_arts_uniform::boom:

Looking back on this year, the Y-Guard has been a game-changer in my BJJ journey. It became my secret weapon, enabling me to seamlessly connect leg entanglements with sweeps and back takes. These strategic moves paved the way for heavy top pressure, turning the tide in my favor.

The Y-Guard has not just been a position; it’s been a gateway to a whole new level of control and dominance on the mats.

I like it way better when it’s two chicks doing it….and they’re naked.

This video has to be the gayest video I’ve seen on this site…and that says a lot since the OtherGround is here as well.

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Y-Guard is amazing and goes hand in hand with 50/50. Felipe Costa was doing Y-Guard in his competition career with the Gi.

50/50 you say? Well in that case…

Yes you can easily switch between attacking the legs from 50/50 and sweeping and Back Taking from Y-Guard.