Yoshida/Morris Question

JP is right on this one. sorry, but if JM happens to say that tio is easier to do vs an opposite side player then id agree with him.. he's had a ton of success with the throw on the highest levels of competition.

likewise.. if Swain said that tio is easier to do against the people who are the same side and you come across with your lapel hand id take his word for it.

if you asked the current world champion Lee he's say its easist when you dont hane any grip at all and the other guy is holding onto your sleeve with everything he has.

point is.. everybody has a way thats easiest or 'best'. the question is how did YOU learn to do judo and how do you move, stand, grip-fight and what you are comfy with. your body will determine what the easiest or best way for you..

regardless, you have to have the basic form of the throw down...


I reviewed the video and Yoshida actually had the double lapel when he threw Jason.

You must not watch a lot of hockey then :)