You are not as strong as this...

that 1st vid is fuckin crazy


"Pound for pound strength, no one beats a gymnast."

Umm,I would bet that a good powerlifter in the same weightclass would indeed beat most gymnasts (if not all) and it wouldn't even be that close.

The first part of the video is not fake. The university I studied at has an excellent gymnastics team and I have seen people do it on lampposts in the town on a night out. Amazing but not impossible.

ttt for later

Amazing strength but I am not envious because I like being tall.

Definately not fake.

At coral gables high in the early 80s, we had a gymnast who could do the same stuff.

Spreading the legs makes it easier because you are bringing the weight of your lower legs closer to your hands.

Lucky i`m fat i would just bounce from floor to floor



That is some amazing skill and strength. High level gymnist are some strong mofo's

I seen a skinny bitch at the strip club do that shit last night...

Vitali Sherbo would show those guys a thing or 15, and some of that stuff is not that hard, I can do a lot of the press-up based stuff, they're basicly versions of dips excercises you do on a set of parralel bars

That first bit on the pole is way out of my league, I could Prob get straight, but no way I'm moving around or maintaining my grip for that long

I know that guy in the first video. His name is Peter Parker.




i believe mike fowler was a gymnast....

I think the 80% mental is more related to dedicating yourself to training for it.

A fit person who hasn't slowly built up to doing this sort of thing will definately get hurt BAD trying it without the necessary preparation.

That being said, you could make the statement that MMA is 80% mental for the same reasons.

The physical follows along easily after you've conquered the mental battle.