You can blame Greg Jackson, but.....

 that was the closest Guida was ever gonna get to beating maynard.

Some of the blame falls on maynard... he just wanted to box when it was clear he would get the better of it everytime they clinched or locked up.  As soon as he realized guidas nonsense he should of just feinted and locked up everytime, pull his head down and knee his face into oblivian.

The fight would have been over in 3 rounds and we wouldnt have had to witness such atrocity,

Clay needs to move down so he can start competing instead of playing games.  all of these 145lber fighting at 155 inclyding frankie edgar play these little games to compensate for the size difference.  Please save us all the boredom and just move down to your natural weightclass.

Guida was doing a Cruz/Edgar impression but minus landing any strikes.

Horrendous fight.

^ yeah, it was an atrocious attempt at impersinating cruz/edgar.

I'd vote OP's post up 10X if that were allowed.

Greg Jackson's gameplans are a fucking cancer to this sport. And the funny thing is, he knows it. When presented with the topic, he doesn't even try to deny that his fighters go out there to score points and lay around or dance around.

Thank God for Donald Cerrone. Better to lose with honor than win in disgrace.

asbury - Greg Jackson's gameplans are a fucking cancer to this sport. And the funny thing is, he knows it. When presented with the topic, he doesn't even try to deny that his fighters go out there to score points and lay around or dance around.

Thank God for Donald Cerrone. Better to lose with honor than win in disgrace.

But what's a better gameplan - standing and trading with some dude a head taller than you a la Andy Wang and Ross Pointon and getting KFTO'd and having your name mentioned in some lame Bleacher Report article counting down the 25 biggest tomato cans of all time?

Didn't Cub Swanson train at Jackson's, too? And Cub fought like a beast tonight.

Screw Greg Jackson, Clay "Run Away" Guida and Carlos "Cross Country" Condit. Seriously tired of this bullshit. Big Dan has won me over and the decision was righteous and I'm totally not a Grey Mayndrd fan. At least I wasn't until tonight.

Stout better get fight of the night.

TenOfSwords - 
asbury - Greg Jackson's gameplans are a fucking cancer to this sport. And the funny thing is, he knows it. When presented with the topic, he doesn't even try to deny that his fighters go out there to score points and lay around or dance around.

Thank God for Donald Cerrone. Better to lose with honor than win in disgrace.

But what's a better gameplan - standing and trading with some dude a head taller than you a la Andy Wang and Ross Pointon and getting KFTO'd and having your name mentioned in some lame Bleacher Report article counting down the 25 biggest tomato cans of all time?

There's a very big difference between standing & trading and fighting an intelligent game plan and what we saw Guida do tonight.

Using superior footwork to frustrate a more flat footed power puncher like Gray Maynard is all well and good, but you have to throw punches. I had no issues with the way Condit fought Diaz, or the way Sugar Ray Leonard fought Roberto Duran in their rematch. There's superior ring generalship, and then there's running.

Clay ran tonight. I think Guida is a great fighter(on most nights), and he's been involved in some of the best fights in the history of the sport. But the way he fought against Gray Maynard was an absolute disgrace.

Personally, I take the middle-of-the-road view: Dudes like Clay Guida (and Rashad) need to meet the fans halfway by moving down to a weight class where they can afford to stand and trade more without needlessly jeopardizing their careers (see Wang and Pointon, as in my previous post) and/or their health (see Gary Goodridge).

Condit actually landed kicks and punches. Clay just ran for the most part. Phone Post

StayRad - 
BIGFOOTinMyMouth - Screw Greg Jackson, Clay "Run Away" Guida and Carlos "Cross Country" Condit. Seriously tired of this bullshit. Big Dan has won me over and the decision was righteous and I'm totally not a Grey Mayndrd fan. At least I wasn't until tonight.

Stout better get fight of the night.
Condit hasn't done that ever, even in the Diaz fight he landed a lot of significant strikes so mayb brush up on your knowledge before speaking nonsense boy Phone Post

He still made it a boring ass fight. Condit 100% won his fight but I still thought it was fucking boring. Only dif here is Guida lost with this strategy.

I was as frustrated as anyone with the Condit fight, but he threw a shit ton of strikes, and landed a lot. He was just effective at landing and getting out before he could sustain any damage. Guida however ran away for 90% of the fight, and barely attacked at all. To compare the two is very harsh on Condit I feel. Phone Post