you added me on Facebook and Twitter!!/kevinknabjian
I am fighting this Saturday(3/31) on WMMA's inaugural event and outside of the UFC, this is the best card out there. Not only is it an amazing fight card, it is an awesome idea for an event and organization. Go to to check out the fight card and videos. Also, order the Pay Per View this weekend and support a good cause! Thanks UG!
var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-38714632-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-38714632"); ADD IT UP!
That is a great card. Good luck
Stackdoe - That is a great card. Good luck
Thank you!
Good luck Kevin!!
Don't have facebook or twitter, but will be ordering the PPV...
Good luck!
Kevin is a beast! Add him on fb and twitter and check him out this weekend!
Thanks everyone. This show is gonna be awesome
I don't have Twitter or Facebook, but if I ttt your thread can we still be kinda friends?
[] Yes
[] No
(Check one)
Good luck Kevin - hope the fight comes off OK with the stories going round about Fickett this past day or two on here. All the best.
Get after it, Kevin!
Done. Good luck!
Crush Crawfish - [ ] yes
[X] no
Fight! UK Online - Yea I hope so too.
Kevin Knabjian - Crush Crawfish - [ ] yes
[X] no
A dude killed a dog?? Why???