Your 135 future

Who do you see as the champ. Cruz has a murders row of young talent ahead of him

This division is stacked Phone Post 3.0

I'm a fan of a few of those guys but I don't see anyone beating cruz Phone Post 3.0


Sterling has the best chance but his fight IQ is miles behind where it needs to be to compete with Dom. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - Funny how people are acting like Cruz is unbeatable, I don't even think he won his last fight, I had TJ beating him 3-2

So the guy to beat him is TJ, I think their numbers from their 5 round fight was pretty close and TJ had the better harder strikes, the MMA media was split on the fight also, so TJ can beat and I think does beat Dom in a rematch.

After that, if Thomas Almeida can keep it on the feet I would pick him to beat Dom also, just a matter of how good his TDD is. Mcdonald has the talent to win the belt as well.

I thought Dom won. I like his style I hope he goes on a streak. It's like watching a smaller Ali. I bet people today would hate Ali if his reputation wasn't already there. A lot of his style was footwork like Cruz. Nowadays everyone wants aggression.

SensoriaUtopia - Funny how people are acting like Cruz is unbeatable, I don't even think he won his last fight, I had TJ beating him 3-2

So the guy to beat him is TJ, I think their numbers from their 5 round fight was pretty close and TJ had the better harder strikes, the MMA media was split on the fight also, so TJ can beat and I think does beat Dom in a rematch.

After that, if Thomas Almeida can keep it on the feet I would pick him to beat Dom also, just a matter of how good his TDD is. Mcdonald has the talent to win the belt as well.
You scoring a fight terribly and incorrectly means nothing. Dom dominated that fight in his own way. Made TJ play to his tune and rendered him ineffective for 95% of the fight. Phone Post 3.0

And I will screen name bet you, for life, if Dom and TJ ever fight again. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - Funny how people are acting like Cruz is unbeatable, I don't even think he won his last fight, I had TJ beating him 3-2

So the guy to beat him is TJ, I think their numbers from their 5 round fight was pretty close and TJ had the better harder strikes, the MMA media was split on the fight also, so TJ can beat and I think does beat Dom in a rematch.

After that, if Thomas Almeida can keep it on the feet I would pick him to beat Dom also, just a matter of how good his TDD is. Mcdonald has the talent to win the belt as well.
Cruz hadn't fought 5 rounds or high level talent in like 4 years before he beat TJ, I think he is even more dominant if they fight again. I would give sterling the best chance of pulling it off, also think almeida gets tooled up pretty bad. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - Geez, did not copy and paste how I wanted, but anyways, the stats are there

The fights was close as shit, I thought TJ won, I have no issue with people thinking Dom won, probably a draw would have been truest choice

But anyone who thinks that was even close to domination by Dom Cruz should really never speak on scoring fights ever again
I don't think Cruz dominated, but it was a pretty clear cut decision for me. The rules are what makes it closer than it is, but if you tell me that in a fight one guy wants to move make you miss frustrate you, take you down at opportune times and just out smart you, while the other is supposed to be an extremely accurate, devastating finisher who wants to knock you out, and then watched the fight, it's obvious Dom dictated that fight completely, was never in danger had TJ super frustrated took him down multiple times, and made TJ look like a amateur winging punches at air. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - At least you are not like the other guy trying to tell me Dom owned TJ, the fight was basically a draw, shocks me how people see a fight like that and think one guy owned the other

And yeah Cruz came off a layoff, but TJ fought a dumb gameplan and still fought Cruz to a draw, and he beat Cruz rounds 4 and 5, that to me is huge, I would take TJ in a rematch, he just has to gameplan a bit better, Cruz did not have shit for TJ in rounds 4 and 5 and TJ seems to have every bit the cardio Cruz does, so there goes that advantage for Dom

They seem to be the clear 2 best guys at 135
I would love to see the rematch not saying TJ can't beat dom, but I disagree that he won or it was a draw the previous time. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - LOL, yet when you look at the stats they both threw and landed about the same as each other, what on earth are you talking about,

Look at the stas and the round by round stats, TJ was able to hit Dom at about the same rate Dom hit him, plus TJ had the better harder strikes, plus TJ won both of the championship rounds

I feel you are going off Dom's earlier fights, this fight was more a draw than anything.
Yeah, that's why I said in the point system era we are living it it was a close fight. The strike counts were very similar as you pointed out, but you can't tell me that Cruz didn't frustrate TJ and make him miss wildly and often, he also took TJ down 3 or 4 times, now I know TJ got right back up but taking him off his feet when no one ever had has to count for something. Cruz wanted the type of fight that happened, TJ was saying he was going to KO him inside of 2 rounds he didn't even get close to what he was trying to do. Phone Post 3.0

SensoriaUtopia - At least you are not like the other guy trying to tell me Dom owned TJ, the fight was basically a draw, shocks me how people see a fight like that and think one guy owned the other

And yeah Cruz came off a layoff, but TJ fought a dumb gameplan and still fought Cruz to a draw, and he beat Cruz rounds 4 and 5, that to me is huge, I would take TJ in a rematch, he just has to gameplan a bit better, Cruz did not have shit for TJ in rounds 4 and 5 and TJ seems to have every bit the cardio Cruz does, so there goes that advantage for Dom

They seem to be the clear 2 best guys at 135

You broke my mouse wheel trying to get down here..

but yeah, Cruz had a much higher % of landed strikes because he made TJ miss so much with his footwork then he would counter. He made him miss so much he actually fell down at one point. Their actual landed significant strikes were close, but he also got 4 takedowns and made TJ look helpless chasing him.

I'd say Cruz won, it just doesn't look as impressive because he wasn't the aggressor. Close fight anyway. Gotta see a rematch.

I want to see Cruz fight Frankie Edgar. Phone Post 3.0