Zane Frasier /Andy Wang fight 2day

WFC is today with the following fights w/ my picks. What are yours?

Andy Wang (heel hooked Drew Fickett in a submission match) vs Eric Heinz: WANG by submission

Melville Calabaca vs Zane Frasier (UFC 1 vet): FRASIER by TKO

having actually met andy, i hope he beats the shit out of this bloke. i have no comment on the second fight.


How old is Zane Frazier ?

Fight is NOV 5th....

Zane is 43 years old...but man he is looking great!
his last fight he won Via KO 1st round.

ttt for Andy Wang

Who was it that Zane Frazier fought in a dojo I remember hearing something about this. If I am misled please let me know.