zero interest in

gina v guyborg

I wouldn't pay to see gina unless its vs honda b/c its fun to see her(honda) take out names. also it may lead to guyborg v honda.

happy for coker
suckator is now in good hands, but 50/50 chance I would watch if it was free

zero if ppv


Gina vs Cyborg and Hughes vs Royce are the only two MMA fights ever. That I have only watched one time. Watched em both live, felt all sad in side, never watched either of them again.

I want Gina to make more movies.

joker271 - gina v guyborg

I wouldn't pay to see gina unless its vs honda b/c its fun to see her(honda) take out names. also it may lead to guyborg v honda.

happy for coker
suckator is now in good hands, but 50/50 chance I would watch if it was free

zero if ppv

This post reminds me of a guy who's an Eagles fan and he calls the NY Giants, the "Midgets", the Cowboys, the "Cowgirls, and the Redskins, well, he doesn't call them anything because they suck the most but the point is I think this guy makes that guy look like a genius. Phone Post 3.0