Zuffa banning sponsors for Strikeforce?

There has to be more to this sponsorship tax thing that we don't know about, because I no that the Diaz brothers have a sponsorship with chase chevrolet here in stockton and I know for a fact that chase doesn't pay no 35k tax.. Phone Post

Why do most (but not all) readers on here comment about things when they only have half the information and zero education or experience on the subject to offer any sort of intelligent educated opinion? This is the same business model as any other sports franchise. You think NASCAR lets Jim's Tire garage put their logo on a car for 500$? This forces small fish down and big fish up. More money for ALL the fighters in the long run.

There are many details none of you including myself are aware of. On this subject I am sure if ZUFFA was making it worse for its fighters, we would hear managers kicking up a shit storm.

There is a sliding scale for sponsorship. Starts at 10K (Chase Chev) i think and goes up to 100K or more.

Zuffas treatment of fighters is horrible.

Letibleu - There is a sliding scale for sponsorship. Starts at 10K (Chase Chev) i think and goes up to 100K or more.

 What does this mean? Please elaborate.

I understand the reasoning. You cannot have individual sponsors or unauthorized clothing in the NFL, MLB, etc. Players are fined in those leagues for wearing 'unapproved gear' as well. If Zuffa is serious about MMA as mainstream, I feel this is the correct path to go about...for them.

I am NOT saying it is fair to the fighters, by any means. The majority of fighters rely mostly on awards and sponsors. Most smaller sponsors are now going to balk at this fee, and many fighters are going to lose out. I think that soon we will see that everyone in Zuffa will have to wear for example, Tapout, at every fight. Just like the NFL and Reebok.

Well that still wouldn't make sense in the chase Chevrolet case. I don't know how much they are getting now, but when this was set up they got a certan amount that is nowhere close to ten so to say that chase would pay 10 and then pay them they wouldn't do it. They have erod on their shorts also and this is someone that I know personally and I no he ain't paying money like that, so there is way more to this then we no. Maybe it's only for big tshirt type companies. Phone Post

I really don't know why people bitch about this, a lot of Sports do not allow In Game Sponsorship.

Here is the thing, the company, weather Strikeforce, UFC, Bellator puts up all the money to build the business, they do the advertising, make the TV deals, invest in taking the show to the bigger stage. Then little business expect to leach off of this for free.

I think its great that small companies Sponsor less know fighters, but if you want to get into the big show you have to be willing to pay the price if not go back to small shows where you can afford to play ball.

Also remember fighters are being PAID to be there themselves, its not like they are fighting for free and need sponsorship to make money.

I've delt with more pro fighters then probably 95% of the people on here and I can tell you this, more fighters aren't living bad, yes there are a lot that struggle but most of the times its because they are just starting out or are just not good enough, thats fact of the matter. Then they bitch that they are making little money and struggle to live, if they always have the option to get a real job, if you aren't good enough to make enough money this isn't the profession for you even if you want to do it. A lot of people Dream of playing Pro Football, Baseball, Basketball, even golf. Tons of people are good at it, love it but not enough to be a pro, so they do it for fun and don't get a dime and get real jobs. Just because you like to step into the cage doesn't mean you're entitled to a career in it. Other wise the same can be said about anyone that steps onto a basketball court or football field.

People forget that people that do MMA do it because they LOVE it, its a recreation sport that just so happens you can make money doing it. On top of that there are a lot of fighters that aren't good people, don't get me wrong some guys are great, but just as many aren't so great. Some just want to live the Rock Star Life.

Business is business, you are either in or out.

It's true I'm fighting for sf next Friday and I have no sponsors now especially since I'm on the undercard so it's impossible to get a sponsor Phone Post

Deadlysyn, u are right on the money with that take. I couldnt agree more. Phone Post

The validity of Zuffa charging a sponsor tax notwithstanding, springing this on the companies and fighters at the last minute is remarkably petty and unfortunate.

Even if I were a larger sponsor I would be absolutely incensed if I had been assured that business would proceed like usual and then smacked with a $35,000 fee at the last minute. Bush league shit

Terrible for the fighters who fight on the undercard.

I think I am close to the point where I can no longer cry for the fighters. I gave always been on their side and have never been a fan of Dana and how he treats the fighters in general.

But how much rape will these fighters endure before they decide FOR THEMSELVES that enough is enough?

Honestly, they are like pro teams in the 50's while everyone else is living in 2011. Its a joke. The UFC rapes the fighters, media, employees etc. And nobody does anything.

And it's not like everybody doesn't know what to do. Look to the past and see why employees have rights today. Why there are rules and regulations today for the employee. It's nor hard to see. Yet, they are so short sighted that they continue to accept the treatment.

Fighters.... Man the f*ck up!!!!! Phone Post

Could someone clarify what this "tax" means? As I'm understanding to be on a fighters clothing they must pay Zuffa 10k (and fighters get nothing?)

Ps. Anyone comparing similar fees in other sports, STFU and GTFO. The PROFESSIONAL athletes in those sports aren't being paid $500-$5000 for their time and effort. Most also aren't luring their lives literally on the line. They are making millions. Very few in the UFC are. And a fraction of that in SF. Phone Post

The MMA Analyst - Ps. Anyone comparing similar fees in other sports, STFU and GTFO. The PROFESSIONAL athletes in those sports aren't being paid $500-$5000 for their time and effort. Most also aren't luring their lives literally on the line. They are making millions. Very few in the UFC are. And a fraction of that in SF. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

good imput as always, mma analist.

EBM - This sounds very odd to me. Don't some fighters in Strikeforce have the same clothing sponsors that some UFC fighters have? Zuffa honored and grandfathered these sponsors into contract once the acquisition was complete. They can't legally go back on that contract.

So you've seen the acquisition terms?

The rumors are true---there is a Zuffa tax. It is lower the the tax in the UFC but still high enough to price Fight Chix off the list. And since we really only sponsor female fighters its even a bigger knock on them.

My first thoughts were on Hendo and Clinch Gear when I read the title.

I'll just say this... we were really looking forward to sponsoring Sarah D'Alelio and Germaine de Randamie in Strikeforce. sigh :(