Seriously, I understand having the camera guys around the octagon makes for better viewership on the PPV but can you please hire some skinnier dudes for the next event?
I'm not making fun of anyone, but these dudes literally blocked off 1/4 of the octagon when the fight went to the ground. It was actually quite disturbing.
YOU try finding a skinny cameraman, they don't exist.
Josh is a good guy, very nice in person and puts a great effort into his UFC duties. At UFC 45 people were very harsh to him from the crowd. He was up on the crate taking his photos and from the seats we were in you couldn't see much anyway. But they got a chant going "MOVE FAT BOY" etc. It was pretty fucking disgraceful, especially when the guy is doing his job and had his girlfriend/wife in the audience.
Are you serious? That sucks. I wasn't at 45, but it was very noticeable at 46. My gf and I kept it to ourselves though.
However, it wasn't just one guy. It was 2 to 3 big guys on one side.
I'm sure it would prove difficult to find a camera man that's not fat, after all they work for peanuts...DOH!
Yeah, I'm not trying to be mean. It's just kinda frustrating that you fly to Vegas and pay for a seat only to see two guys large asses in your face.
PS - they did do a good job though. Since I did end up just watching the screen.