Ariel Helwani BLASTS Brenden Schaub for 15 minutes straight!

Ariel 10-8 that round, and no big name is going to go after him, they’ll be sued and have charges pressed against them, and rightfully so.


I would like to see Big Brown and Ariel ride a tandem bicycle into traffic


Big cabriolet dick bandit

fuck in hell. to publicly say you hope for a fighter to lose 3 in a row is not polite. I hope you feel pain, helplessness and defeat. I hope your job goes badly.

you can only say that shit if you never plan to leave your house. because if you met them on the street, there’s something to get sorted.


I mean, the dude probably watches anime

I don’t know how anyone could listen to schaub, the guy’s a marble mouthed moron. The first few times I heard him on rogans podcast it was clear he was copying Chris d’elia’s personality and he was always accusing people of using peds based on circumstantial bullshit while he came from a camp with Nate Marquadt, Shane Carwin and gyno nips himself Rashad. I have no idea why comedians don’t openly shit on him either, maybe they don’t want to lose favor with rogan


I don’t follow either of these people but it seems like he’s responding to schaub taking his talking points and passing them off as his own, also claiming Ariel only got a gig on showtime because he couldn’t do it. Apparently some people think you shouldn’t speak up unless you can best that person in combat


It’s 100% this.

Tom and Bert are part of the Rogan circle but definitely have their own established thing and careers independent of rogan. They definitely tip toe around certain Rogan guys you can tell they don’t actually respect respect. They were all at the comedy store and it’s just in everyone’s best interest not to rock the boat. Comedians don’t like each other infighting.


Have to watch later, but both suck

You get someone with no money or assets to do the dirty work.


I don’t see what’s wrong with paying the guests. Showtime and everyone else is making money. They wouldn’t have a show without the fighters. I just wish they would edit out Brenda answering his own questions, and play the fighters answers.

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Oh yeah, and that dude would do time for schaub as a opposed to cooperating and ratting his ass out lmao.

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In a cage (under a reputable commission) Helwani wins via doctor stoppage when Schaub fails to intelligently defend himself (and do anything intelligently for that matter)


Does schaub respond to ariel at all?

Wouldn’t wanna have a beer with either of them. They’re both a couple of arseholes. Maybe they should start a podcast together.


They both suck.


How could we know?

in Ariel’s defense, in the jewish communtiy it is seen as foolish to pay for a service


Check out MMA roasted, shitting on Schaub’s shitty calmdey is a mainstay of the show