Drew Fickett in the house on the Lytes Out Podcast

LOL. Here is one from the ADCC’s.

After the competition, Drew was drinking at the hotel bar. He had been drinking all week as well, but by the the after party he was ready to really drink. He and his buddy went around bumming money off people claiming to be a charity of some type. Drew was what you would call politically incorrect a few times. The story became it was a charity for domestic violence, and Drew told a woman, “you are a woman, you probably know about being beaten…” stuff that level.



One more funny Fickett story…he was out in MA for a grappling tournament, promoter flew him out to compete in the absolute for like a $500 prize or something. Drew was happy to come out for a free flight just to hang out, party and train for a week, so he went for it. He shows up late, super hungover, and the promoter (who used to post here) asked him to give a speech to the kids on the importance of sportsmanship. He splashed water on his face, tried to look presentable, and actually gave a really good speech to the kids, gave them the trophy etc.

However, like 15 minutes later, in the opening round of the absolute, it got a little crazy. He was competing against a small guy (local fighter who fought at 145, drawing a blank on his name, but a good black belt) and the kid wasn’t engaging. He kept backing up and trying to pull Drew into a sweep over and over and it wasn’t working. Drew got mad, started talking shit mid-match, dropped to his ass and begged the guy to take his back. I don’t remember the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of “don’t be a fucking pussy, take my back or get the fuck off the mat.”

At this point the guys teammates came onto the mat, it almost turned into a huge fight, and Drew took his shirt off, threw it at the feet of the guy and spit on it before walking off the mat.

So yeah…that was fun…went from presenting the sportsmanship trophy to calling a guy a fucking pussy and spitting at his feet. Absolute chaos.


that is interesting in that I booked Seth and Tim McKenzie back in the day, both through the Lally brothers, who i like and respect. They cant play poker worth a shit, lol but I found the Lally’s to be real pros and they came with complete guys.

Crowbar can you get in touch with me at migit1970@gmail.com i wanted to ask about some ancient IFC history - the first one and the fifth.

I was able to locate Tim’s fight with Seth.

Watch for yourself at around the 3:33 mark Seth taps Tim on the chest.

You have mail LOP.

OK guys, here is the deal.

The LytesOut crew is gonna work to have Drew fickett back on - he states he had a good time but will come back on to answer any and all questions and tell stories.

So, send email to us at lytesoutpodcast@gmail.com with questions, or add them to this thread. Drew is fighting in like 3 weeks so after that, he will likely coe back on :wink:

TY to all for the love and support.


Would very much like to know what happened with his MFC run in Canada with promotor mark Pavelich I recall a weak stoppage to Brian Cobb than a quick turn around fight in DREAM against Tatsuya Kawajiri and I believe that broke contract?

It would be cool to hear his thoughts on the scene down in Edmonton, the promotor / promotion he always seemed like a bit of a character, I remember a few cards guys like Ron Kruck or whoever would interview the MFC president for his thoughts on the event and a few times he just looked higher than hell sweating bullets lol but the MFC was a leader in Canada MMA for 15 years or so.


Did McKenzie ever confirm he let go of the armbar bc he felt Seth tap? The angle looked off at the time you are stating he tapped. Looked like Seth was going to be getting out of that armbar no matter what happened at that point, so I’m not confident in calling that a tap. I’ve been caught in an armbar and escaped but upon reviewing the footage my hand made sort of a tapping motion but in no way was I tapping. Usually, a tap is more definitive but maybe he did.

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Of course he did.


Dec '10

Hello everyone this is Tim McKEnzie didn’t want to come on here and start bad mouthing anyone untill I had the correct proof!! I knew that night Seth had tapped. Im not a poor sport I knew everything would come out on video!! So you guys can see for yourselves now check out the link Seth Baczynski gets arm broken and honor taken by Tim McKenzie on youube.com It speaks for itself!!! I’m a true professional in this sport, In the sport of MMA when a fighter taps the fight is over!! I clearly let go due to the fact of the tap and Seth screaming. Happy Holidays Seth


Click on where it says Dec’10 to read what other people think ^^^^

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ok that’s bloody weak then.