1st Inter-Forum Shoop/Romo League (USC)

In Phone Post 3.0

more like "Don't be employed, Homie"

Man I wish I can romoshoop too Phone Post 3.0

I respect what you are attempting create but I'm just not that committed to being the best at this.
I top out at 15min. max.

Tho, I can't wait to see what a 10hour romo masterpiece looks like!


Hey man, I'm just trash-talkin ya bro, you really are one of my favourite photoshoppers. Its not about being the best anything, its just to bring people together and have some fun being creative in this very unique way that we are part of and enjoy.  Trash-talking is just for hype and lulz

The idea undernetah is to SUPPORT each other, not fight and rival.  I always am happy to congratulate my victor and give them props for good shoops. I just like to see people being creative and think it would be fun to bring different forum-cultures together.

I have full-time work and kids/wife etc, so believe me I know what you mean about committing to things. I got sucked into some of those Sherdog comps and while they were fun it was hard sometimes (hence the longer deadlines, cuz people got shit to do)

That's exactly why I'm making it very casual and open...  you don't have to commit to anything, just be on the roster in case one day you feel inspired. I am trying to do my best to get everyone to respect declining challenges if they don't have the spare time.

If you wanna drop in one day and bust a few out and have some fun/build some bridges it would be an honor.


Same goes for the rest of the UG Crew;  there is always much respect here, we would love to have you come and represent/support.  If this goes well I think it really could be a lot of fun.


I'll stop harrasin' you dudes now.. :)

Peace, Love, Enjoy the fights, & Happy Shoopin'

Careful not to use any pictures from the ppv tonight. You might get banned. Phone Post 3.0

This may put some hearts at ease:


Enjoy the fights everyone!!!