5/3/1 and jiujitsu?

Sub, started 5-3-1 today. Train BJJ M & W nights. 39 and don't want to overtrain

Sub Phone Post

5/3/1 is a fantastic program for BJJ! Everyone else has been right on the money as far as how to modify it, but what's best of all is that the entire program is designed around building momentum over the long term - no one workout or even month is going to make or break your progress because even if you just do the base working sets and leave the gym, you're still on track. Go for broke on the days where you feel great and don't have to do hard drilling or rolling later that day, do your base numbers on the day where you do, and train by feel.

In. Great info. Phone Post

Great Info.

I have a question. What is overtraining anyways. I workout 3-4 times a weeks, and do not do the Wendler system, but I throw up some major weight, and do Jiujitsu twice a week. The only trouble I have is not eating enough, or getting enough rest. Overtraining is something professional athletes should deal with. Not every day people. Right?

So I've been reading up on it. Sounds like the plan I want to do I've got bored of 5x5 stronglifts. So it's best to guess your 1rm under than over so you can complete your workout. Phone Post

mijo - Great Info.

I have a question. What is overtraining anyways. I workout 3-4 times a weeks, and do not do the Wendler system, but I throw up some major weight, and do Jiujitsu twice a week. The only trouble I have is not eating enough, or getting enough rest. Overtraining is something professional athletes should deal with. Not every day people. Right?

Yea if you were doing jiujitsu 5-6x a week then you'll probably need to hit the weights 2x a week rather than 3-4x. If you progress in a smart fashion then overtraining shouldn't even be in your vocabulary.