The first time I rolled with Rafa, he must have scored over 50 points before he decided to tap me.
It was like rolling with a ghost.
I think Gui brabo choked me in under 30 seconds, and proceeded to repeat for the rest of the round. In fairness, he (and rafa) spent over an hour explaining all my mistakes to me.
The guy got a seminar roll. No matter how bad it would be, I would be chomping at the bit to have an opportunity like that
There was a FB thread about this and Nathan Adamson replied saying he wasn't upset at all for Gui rolling with him like that and was happy to experience where his own weaknesses were.
I think for just getting promoted that's a really cool 7 minute seminar like baby-silverback said. It's like having to guard Michael Jordan for 7 minutes during your first game...although now it ends up on youtube.
I still remember my very very first roll and who it was with and afterwards thinking, "ok, I've got a shitload of work so that never happens to me again." Sounds like the other bb was feeling the same way. Thankfully mine wasn't on film.
Props for him not giving up in the match and then walking away with a great attitude.
Even though I don't think Gui did anything wrong, I don't think a BJJ match is an appropriate place to "put on a show"
ThePigpen - There was a FB thread about this and Nathan Adamson replied saying he wasn't upset at all for Gui rolling with him like that and was happy to experience where his own weaknesses were.
I think for just getting promoted that's a really cool 7 minute seminar like baby-silverback said. It's like having to guard Michael Jordan for 7 minutes during your first game...although now it ends up on youtube.
I still remember my very very first roll and who it was with and afterwards thinking, "ok, I've got a shitload of work so that never happens to me again." Sounds like the other bb was feeling the same way. Thankfully mine wasn't on film.
Props for him not giving up in the match and then walking away with a great attitude.
This is the right attitude to have ^
How can you possibly be mad at Gui??? This isn't little league where we can't let anyone's feelings get hurt too badly. Mendes was that much better than Adamson. That doesn't mean Adamson is any less of a person, or even that he is a bad jiu-jitsu instructor.
If Adamson was as sensitive as the people complaining about Gui on this thread, I'm sure he would be very upset. Instead, it sounds like he is taking this as a positive experience. That is what the art is all about.
I this video is an awesome showcase of technique, and I don't think anybody would have benefited at all if Gui would have been more "sportsmanlike" and ended the match so Adamson could save face. As it stands, we can all learn tons, and Adamson benefits more than anybody. I'm 100% sure his game will skyrocket after this match.
I think he was trying to warm up. Didn't Leandro Lo score a billion points on some guy once? Whats the big deal? If you jump into a division and can't hang thats on you, if you feel you are being disrespected you can tap at any time.
I am not impressed with his performance.
Its amazing that Gui and Rafa have all the same tools in their toolbox but they use them totally differently from each other.
Rafa is so smooth, the game is open, with him creating and taking little windows of opportunity.
Gui is like watching a machine relentlessly doing the same precision moves its done thousands of times before.
HoldYerGround -
Its amazing that Gui and Rafa have all the same tools in their toolbox but they use them totally differently from each other.
Rafa is so smooth, the game is open, with him creating and taking little windows of opportunity.
Gui is like watching a machine relentlessly doing the same precision moves its done thousands of times before.
If you look at their personalities, it's really not a surprise.
Gui is calm, quiet, calculated. Rafa is jovial, gregarious, outwardly confident.