Cote, who was almost laughing before the fight, comes out throwing bombs, but Ortiz takes one and stalks. Tito gets dropped to a knee with a right hand, but he gets up and instantly takes Cote down with a single leg. Tito Starts working his ground and pound from inside Cote's guard. Cote tries to work strikes from his back, but Ortiz continues working elbows down from inside the guard. Cote is laughing from the bottom - he's crazy! Ortiz quickly worked Cote to the cage. Cote tries for a kimura. Ortiz defends and continues working to smash him up against the cage and work his elbows. Ortiz continues working short elbows with a minute left in the round. Cote works for an armbar, but Ortiz continues elbowing him. Ortiz is punishing Cote with the elbows. Tito works to half guard as the bell sounds. Tito 10-9
Interesting, not what I expected for sure. Can't wait for the second round, keep up the good work striker18.
I may be right on this one...
"Tito is a gatekeeper just like Goodrich in Pride. Look for him to fight a steady string of wannabes/cans until Chuck and Randy retire."
damn, sounds like cote held his own for the first round. i think as more time passes, he will get more confident. ortiz needs to stick to ground and pound.
Looks like Tito has a better chin than most people thought.
I guess that it is true that Cote has HEAVY hands.
10-9 with a knock down?
I just copied and pasted from - the 10-9 is their score....
I had the same question.
Round 2
Tito instantly takes Cote down and takes his back - half mount of the back. Tito works knees to the body. Cote rolls to his back. Ortiz in the side mount. Tito works elbows to the body and head. Cote works for an armbar, but Ortiz continues working vicious elbows to the head. Cote secures the half guard. Ortiz works for the mount, but Cote blocks well. Cote works to the guard. Ortiz continues working elbows and punches to the head. Ortiz moves Cote to the fence to smother his jiu-jitsu. Ortiz continues with the elbows. Dominant round for Ortiz. 10-9 Ortiz
Round Two
The second round begins with Tito coming out very cautiously. Cote throws a right hand that misses and attempts a throw from the clinch. Tito has Cote’s back and takes him down. Cote flips over and is now in the sidemounted position with four minutes left in the second round.
Tito in the side mount, driving his elbow into Cote’s chin and throat. Cote raises his legs up in an armbar attempt, but Tito easily defends and begins driving his elbow into Cote’s face again. Tito now in Cote’s half guard, throwing a flurry of punches that mostly misses. Tito lands a solid left hand with three minutes left.
Tito now in Cote’s closed guard with two minutes left in the round. Tito surprisingly looking red faced and tired. Cote attempts a leglock, but Tito defends with huge left elbows to Cote’s face. Cote still does not seem stunned or phased at all.
One minute left in the second with Cote now against the fence and Tito in his open guard. Tito not very active, but now throws two short elbows in a row. Ten seconds left in the second round with Tito throwing light punches and elbows that aren’t hurting Cote. Time expires and some boos emerge from the crowd.
"10-9 with a knock down?"
We're talking about Tito. You know, TITO!
Just let striker handle this.
Like I said, that's's take on it...
perhaps he was so dominate the rest of the round it nulled the knockdown?
Awesome work striker, I like your postings better then the insidefighting posts. Sounds like Cote can take some punishment, never thought this would go to the third. Wonder if he has got one big punch left in him.
Come on Cote!
Is it some kind of tradition for striker to do PbP? If it is then I woulda never copied/pasted...