A BB in Vancouvers reply

My name is Patrick Delaney; I came to this site because I heard that I am a topic of conversation at this forum.
And thought this would be a good time to give everyone a little background about myself.

I started BJJ in 1996. I trained with a black and purple belt that was here for a couple of months from Sao Paulo. (Marco & John from Behring JJ)
You may be familiar with many of the white belts that I trained there with. (Denis Kang, Vlado, Trevor Clarkson, Tim Shears, Mark Marins (Reed), many of these I have maintained a long friendship withand train together regularly.
There was no BB's living in Vancouver, so I trained where ever I could.
I trained with Kalib Starnes for about a year. (Who at the time was a blue belt under Royce Gracie),

Then with Artur, who is from Sao Paulo (a brown belt). Mark Marins brought him here for a few months.
Artur, team megaton and myself all went to L.A to compete at a Joe Moriera Tournament.
I've even, trained with Marcus Soares a few times when he first moved to Vancouver.

I concentrated my training with Team Megaton. I thought I would do well to study under him, since we are similar in size. (I am 136lbs.)
Many people who trained under Team Megaton have gone on to open their own schools.
I have been training (and competing) for 10 years and during this time I have always rolled with everyone at class, regardless of their size.
I've competed many times in Brazil, locally, and in the USA.
I've been to Rio De Janerio 5 years in a row where I trained with Royler Gracie at Gracie Humaita.
There I was able to roll with many top competitors and world champions.
I've been to Helio Gracie's ranch twice, it was really exciting, to see him put on his GI and teach us some techniques.

In the Gracie Way book there is a Royler section, where you will find a team photo that was taken the day after the 2002 World Championships. (I'm in this picture). To compete in Brazil I registered with the CBJJ. First as a blue, again as purple and then a brown belt. (Carlos Gracie Jr. is the president of this federation)

After winning 2nd place at the Masters & Seniors Championships in 2004, I was given my brown belt by Royler Gracie and Megaton Diaz, in front of 50 other competitors, many of which are black belts and World Champions.

There are many brown belts that are deserving of their black belts just as much as myself.

Stephan , your comment about "someone having their birthday before you" was perfect.

Megaton Dias has 3 World Championship medals, many Gold medals from the Pan Ams & other Top International Tournaments. He was given the best technical fighter award at the 1st Rickson Gracie Tournament.
He is on a first name basis and is well respected by many in the BJJ community.
Thus I find it interesting that there are people in Vancouver,who are questioning Megaton's decisions.
But hey everyone is entitled to have their own opinion.

Congrats to everyone else on their promotions!

I would also like to thank everyone that I have ever trained with (as you can't get there with out a training partner) and all the people who are supporting me.

Time to get back on the mat, the Pan Ams are coming!


Hey Pat, congrats on your new belt!!


good to know the background info, thanks

Congrats on your promotion, hopefully someone doesn't jack this thread and turn it in the other direction.

how long did clarkson have his brown for?

Hey Pat, congrats on the belt again!

"I have been training (and competing) for 10 years and during this time I have always rolled with everyone at class, regardless of their size"

-Unlike other people the above quote is so true for you (Although you forgot to add "and skill" at the end of this quote). Knowing you I'm sure the Black Belt won't change a thing.

Now heal up those ribs and let us know when you open up a school.


Hi Pat! (This is Margot using Mario's sign-in).

Many congratulations! And I always appreciated rolling with you! Good luck in the future.


Hey Pat, as I said on the phone with you, Congratulations again on a well deserved graduation to the BB. I don't think anyone on this board questioned your rank or ability. You've commited your life to BJJ and it shows in your devotion to your students, your participation at all local tournies be it referring or coaching. You are definatly one of the toughest and technical BJJ guys in the area.


Tim Shears


hey pat,

brett here from kelowna.

congrats bro.

(although i didn't know that guys that little were allowed to get black belts. do they cut a regular sized belt in half???? )

hope to roll with you soon. its been a while.


I've learned a lot of my game from Pat since I began with team Megaton. Pat's messed up my ears and choked me out more than anyone I've rolled with.

John Tompkins

Good job Pat, Congrats. Well deserved.



Congratulations Pat, very much deserved!

Nice to know a bit about you Patrick, and congratulations on your promotion.

YOU deserve it!!!

(and IMO much more deserving than some others but whatever!!! thats another story)

anyone who says a bad thing about u is an idiot. I did not train with you for very long but all i remember is you rolled with anyone regardless of size and you were always a super nice guy, with no attitude who was always willing to help beginers


I don't recall reading on here that Pat did'nt deserve his promotion. There is one or two posts that were negative but a majority just said congrats.


Congrats pat.look forward to training with you soon. paul.

I would like to thank everybody for their compliments and support.

I will See you all on the mat soon.

In the spring I will be moving out to the Fraser Valley. Once I have settled in I will open a school.



Hey Pat,
Congratulations, I remember starting BJJ when we were all white belts. That being said, you deserve it.

See you on the mats!!