A message from your friends at Alta



@chris. Can you help?


Awkward Cricket GIF

Who knows, but I’d be surprised if they bought it to bring back the old ug in the state it was in. I would assume their vision is about what it could have been/could be going forward. They probably want a community where the Alta customers can come and discuss shit, fighters they are connected with can do ama’s for their community and boost their own sponsorships in return, probably connected to an online training library they will charge for etc.

If their goal is simply to have a simple message board I would probably agree, but that can’t be the motivation for buying this place. It’s gotta be as a platform to put more eyes on their Alta product/services business. The days of needing a place to get mma news, trade vhs tapes, and organize kimbo Gannon fights is long past.

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I will say I listened to a portion of that podcast with rich where he talked about it for a few minutes. I was shocked to hear the fighter database wasn’t a clear part of the acquisition. I would have thought that was one of the main assets this place had.

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Have you paid close attention to the amount of posts in let’s say the 1st 100 threads?

Start paying attention to the amount of posts in a thread.

A thread is lucky to get 100 posts.

In yesteryear…posts were easily over 100.

Do you remember ECWCock? He would post the number 100 when a thread hit a 100 posts.


Id log in if I knew my old pw. Ive been lurking for forever. The og spinelock is an 07, my original account. I can even tell you what the email was associated with it but it’s long gone from existence so I can’t reset. Please help.

When I say wanting the ug of old, I would agree they want those or higher levels of engagement, but I’m sure they want more than a message board. I’m sure they see it as a platform to drive paying customers, not a message board in and of itself simply for the purpose of discussion. It’s a tool. Not sure the old ug was ever real used that way. I remember the old store and stuff, but it was really just a board that made its money off posting membership. I’m making some assumptions here, but other than the fighter database and membership renewals for posting, and site ads, what else was the ug used for.

The audience for Alta is vastly different from the UG crowd. According to Rich, there is no intention to blend them. They are different and have their own unique values.

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Interesting. Seems super short sighted to me. If they bought it for nostalgia, crowbar is right. That was a mistake. Mind blowing if they aren’t going to leverage the domain name to drive their larger business.


I think you assume a little much. There are intentions and then there are decisions that are made after looking at things. I am sure they will maximize their investment.

Can you describe the audience they are appealing to?

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Isnt it glorified jazzercisers ?


Yeah, so when the purchase happened I assumed that “the audience for Alta is vastly different from the UG crowd.” And that “there is no intention to blend them”.

I assumed the UG would become an a tool for the Alta business. Training programs/community etc.
So basically, the end of the UG as we knew it.

After Rich’s early posts I thought maybe I was wrong. It seems I was probably right.

Except they seem to be intent to create multiple partitioned rooms? An ‘Old OG’ and a ‘New OG’. An ‘Old UG’ and a ‘New UG’. Is that right?

Then only the new versions will be searchable and find-able by new folks. So the new owners are sort of fizzling out the old timers - in a compassionate way! lol

What a humiliating demise for the once proud UG! lol


I love how far you whiners will take things.

He was clear that the Alta crowd is more of a new or casual mma fan looking for fitness or entry into the community.

The UG crowd is more edgy and connected to MMA. Think Conor, Craig Jones or Gordon Ryan.

The OG is in a class of its own.

There has been no decision made other than to create space for the OG to remain where it is and contained for the community to enjoy while they sort through decisions.


I am not whining. Reality changes. I understand the business has priorities. That is how it is.

I just articulated what seemed to be the implications of what you were saying.


I’m good, I can adapt to the Alta life.

Kirk who?

What’s that rich , u want me as Mod, sorry I’ll have to decline, as I want to enjoy the New UG Alta experience

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Can we still mock people for being Noobs?


Oh I see what’s happening here…. They are catering to the male and female versions of NDA.

A bunch of casuals that’s willing to spend $120 a month at a local MMA gym and wear Affliction gear.

They are embarrassed with the hardcore fan base here. They want to segregate us, keep us in the hood and away from everyone else.