A message from your friends at Alta


What’s that ?
The PPV is $300
Take my money now

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Yes. You and GeeGee will mod the what if ground. That’s where we will send all of pundit and DY3’s complaining.


No! That is not the spirit! We need encouragement to achieve personal training goals.

This is the new spirit!

NDA will be head mod and fitness trainer in no time


What’s that ?
The PPV is $300
Take my money now

Yes. You and GeeGee will mod the what if ground. That’s where we will send all of pundit and DY3’s complaining.

It’s been like 5 hours of shitty posting. Can someone fix the errors and double posting already lol

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Coming Soon

Sub Forum " UG After Dark"

Or “UG Harcore’s Only”

It’s not just me having trouble posting from the app the past few hours is it?


Me too.

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This dude has been trying to type/post for 55mins now.

Poor guy



Nope expect this every day for the original posters on here. Everything will be an experience like we’re on low income.

Look at this tweeker…lol

Look at this tweeker…lol.

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You two should have the first gay wedding together In The Alta Era.

U take his name and dp pic and Barry then takes yours

Not sure where to post this but this is Total BS.
WTF happened to the OG?
Why can I only see it if login?
I guess my time here is finally done. I’ve only logged in and posted maybe thirty times 20 years and officially a lurker.
But I bet there are many like me, I got on the OG 15-20 minute a day to catch up on latest news, look at the ‘Never not Funny’ memes and see if there was a new Soup awesome thread.
I only created an account 20 years ago to comment on one BJJ thread and then to post on the real time Kimbo Slice fight.
It is still mma.tv to me and I only access the site from phone browser and will never use an App. I used the frames as long as possible, then quit coming for a year because I hated no frames so much, to finally com into back to get news updates. I ignored all the shittty adds and updates that have made everything worse, not sure why. don’t watch TV, never had social media, the OG was the only place for me to get any sort of actual news and real people comments
One last comment before I’m gone for good,
Want has sucked big time is having to sort through and ignore all the stupid troll accounts in past couple years.
FU to the people that know who they are
You suck and are a complete waste of space.
Mission accomplished on ruining a once great forum. The troll posts used to actually be funny and creative and you could appreciate them.

I can’t believe the OG is done for good
What a shame


Did it take u 5 months to post that,…

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I am having many issues as well

nerfing the functions and usability of the OG bros
is easy way to achieve a slow kill

If it goes bad see ya on TMMAC if you want


How are they going to mod the Trool’in, in this thew era?