A Note to Rogan from LeBell

Hey Joe, Gene says hi (on the phone with him as I write this) and he says "Joe's my hero, he's one of the good guys, when I get to be his age I want to be just like him" ... he also says he has only one complaint: "Every time I turn on the porno channel he's there"

He also wants to know when you're gonna come to the dojo to train? (Gene's there every Monday night)



He also said he wants you to use the japanese names for every throw from now on.

And that there is more than 1 "judo throw".

but only one judo chop

OmegaPoon -  lol @ watching the porn channel often enough to know whose on there regularly, then thinking its tacky that they are.


 lol +1

If you know Gene then you know he's funny first.



OmegaPoon -  lol @ watching the porn channel often enough to know whose on there regularly, then thinking its tacky that they are.

 lol +1


TTT for Joe and Gene and NOELLE!

Steven Segal is a wonderful human being and martial artist.
- Gene Lebell.



Joe's on a porn channel? GAWD what i'd give to catch a glimpse of that veiny jiu jitsu steak...


 Hahah Jeff what the hell.  Veiny Jiu Jitsu Steak....

Just ttt'ing in case Joe didn't see it yet.





 Other way around :-)

Kirik -  Other way around :-)



My favorite FCF Radio interview ever, featuring the man himself.  A true gentleman and class act.