ADCC Picks

The girl who beat Phillipa was Stacy (machado) trained at Dominance and is now in perth (I think). She is very underatted if people didnt think she was going to win.

Aaron when I went to the seminar at Dominance yesterday there was another girl there. Do you know who she is, watched her have a grapple with a few guys at the end of the seminar and she was very impressive.

Was a good day yesterday!
it was a nice surprise finding a place to watch behind the stand & find
that i was standing next to Mark Hunt! couldn't help but ears drop on
some of his conversation.....those damn wankers from Pride.

Absolutely great day.

The level of grappling by some of the competitors was amazing to watch.

Big congats go out to all those who won, especially the three from SPMA.

Did anyone get the suplex on video, it would be great to have so i can put it on a loop, and watch it over and over, simply amazing stuff.

Fantastic day for watching high quality sub-wrestling.

Highlights of the day for me;

George v Gavin in an absolute epic (George was the only one to challenge Gavin on his feet and it really could have gone either way).

Sari giving up weight in every match and still blitzing all the girls with an awesome display of technique

And BigD's "HHUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEEEE" suplex on Brendon. I was standing side on during the match and just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Someone from the crowd called out "suplex", next thing a 130kg??? man is flying through the air like a rag doll. Amazing!

My only winge about the day was the fact that they didn't have a PA system to announce fighters to the mat (would have been more professional) and the inconsistant refereeing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in the U77kg final with Gavin being punished repeatedly for apparently stalling in Rodney's guard? This was especially confusing considering a very similar thing happened in the Sinosic/Dallow fight without a single negative point being deducted for stalling???

Anyways, good luck to the guys (and hopefully girls) heading to the states to represent Oz.


Man what a day!

Saw some AWSOME matches!!

Perosh vs Steve from roots, man that dude is BIG! and did really well to last that long against Perosh.

Murry vs Rodney, those dude's had technique coming out of their asses! Spoke to Murry a bit after his matches and he seemed like a really cool guy.

George vs Gavin in a really good long battle, where both men were determined not to give up anything, and there were good stand up wrestling exchanges aswell as George throwing everything at Gavin from under guard and half guard.

Rodney vs Gavin man talk about a long drawn out battle where both men were fighting hard into a double overtime, before Gav caught Rodney with an inside trip I think? that winded/hurt his back or something.

That under 77 kg div is stacked with talent!

Also that suplex of mine was kinda cool too I guess ;)

It just won't sink in that i'm going to be competing in ADCC in California..........Sweeeeeet!

Pitty that I was kinda zoned out, laying about trying to relax before my matches as I missed allot of good fights.


Hey Big D!




Well done Denis,

Sounds like Steve Oliver did well until Perosh finished him. Steve may be making his mma debut at KOTC later this year.

Anyway best of luck to all the Aussies going over to the states well done

Brad Morris

Yeah what a great day, saw some excellent grappling from start to finish !

Good to see friends from GB Newcastle, Jamie, Justin and Shaun going at it hard.

And yeah, a PA system would have been nice !


if anyone has a copy of my match with big d i would appreciate a copy as I have no recolection of the match or about 25 minutes after the match. I remember being called to the mat and then sitting in the stands with everyone asking me if i was ok. I was saying yeah i am fine, why do you ask? Because you just got suplexed. My reply was something like really? that would explain the pain...

My respect goes out to anyone who can suplex me, and anyone who can send me a copy of the match :)

Mental Note - Don't give bigD138 any shit on the forum, not if he can suplex Brendon!!

Well done to all involved.

BigD what is your background in training?

Sounds like a match we all need to see a copy of.

Can somebody give some info on Gavin Kulper, winner of the 66-76Kg division?

All I know is that this guy qualified in ADCC 2001 and won his first fight there (lost in the quarters from Rodrigo Gracie). Anyway, anyone who can beat George S., especially in no-gi, must be bloody good.

I can't believe I missed the suplex!

I was facing the wrong way and all I heard was the thump and the crowd go ballistic. So if anyone has action shots or video i'd love to see it too.

Since i'm a newbie to wrestling it was good to see all the big names in action and watch the different styles of wrestling.

After watching Phil in action in the under 66's I don't feel so bad for getting destroyed everytime I turn up to training at Igors.

Thanks BJJWA.

I heard that Rodney was injured during his last(?) fight - any word on that?

Rodney was slammed during his last fight and appeared to hurt his back/ribs. He seemed Ok a little while later, but I'm sure he's sore today. It's a real pitty this happened, as he the match was very close and he still had a good chance of winning at that stage.

Yeah, I was sitting right in front when Rodney got slammed, watching him trying to get air in was nasty. He landed really hard, and I think it was the 2nd overtime (so like 20 minutes of going hard) but he seemed ok after...

Huge, Huge congrats to BigD!! :). Bumps those hips and DRIVE baby, it was gold, pure gold. Specially with Ben's voice "Suplex"... Then it was on. I've seen it training, but goddamn was that sweet.

Other highlights was watching Gavin and George in the under 78's... I was impressed with both guys wrestling, that Gavin looks like one strong mofo. Sari finished all her opponents and was smooth as silk, very inspiring. Perosh dominating his final against an absolute man mountain. And lastly Murray and Rodney had a great semi final, talent to burn for both those guys.

Congrats to the SPMA guys!

I was at the event over the weekend as the representative of Synthetek Industries who were the main sponsors of the event, and like everyone else has said it was a great day, except of course for the damned Sydney humidity and the massive hang over I had. The level of grappling on the day was first class with all of the competitor's putting on a great show.

Seeing big bad Brendon getting suplexed was some really scary shit!!!! Watching it happen, at first I really couldn't believe what I was seeing. When Brendon hit the mat, he hit it hard! The fact that Brendon wasn't seriously injured as a result of it was amazing.

I hadn't seen Sari compete before, for a tiny little pixy of a girl, damn she is awesome to watch.

The Synthetek Industries director's & administration congratulate the winners of each division and wish them all the very best of luck in L.A., and hopefully look forward to being able to contribute to more Aussie MMA/BJJ/Grappling events in the future.