Add more weight, reps, or sets?

So I started hitting the gym regularly now for about a week and some. Just some quick questions: when should I start moving up in the weights I'm using? And should I add more reps to my sessions or another set? Phone Post 3.0

"when should I start moving up in the weights I'm using?"

As often as possible. Example: if your program calls for 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps, add weight when you reach 3 x 10. With the new weight, target 3 sets of 8 reps, but strive for the 3 x 10 again if you can. Once you achieve 3 x 10 with the new weight, then add weight once again.

"And should I add more reps to my sessions or another set?"

As to reps, see the answer above. Personally, I only add an additional warm-up set in order to get to my working sets (in the example above, the 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps would be these working sets I'm mentioning) when I'm using a heavy weight and I don't want to make too big a jump from a warm-up set to a working set.

I hope this very basic overview helps.

Just for added clarity:

Lets pick one exercise...military press.

Your program calls for 3 sets of 8-10 reps on Mon, Wed, & Friday.

You put 100 lbs on the bar and perform 3 sets of 10 reps on Monday. It was challenging, but you were able to perform your desired reps.

For wednesdays workout, you add 5 lbs, making the bar 105 lbs. This weight is more challenging than before, so you proceed to 3 sets of 8 reps. On Fridays workout, you still get 3 sets of 8 reps.

The next Monday, you've had a good weekend of rest and recovery, so you're able to perform 9 strict reps on the first set, and then 8 reps for sets two and three.

Wednesday comes around, and you get 9 reps on your first two sets, but only 8 reps on the third set. So your goal Friday will now be to get 3 sets of 9 reps. Once you're able to perform 3 sets of ten reps (whatever day that might happen), then you could raise the weight to 110 lbs and start the process anew.

Again, hope this helps.

Thanks, dope.

I'm getting through the workouts- I wouldn't say easily- but I manage to make it through my workouts. Ill try adding another 5lbs on the workouts that were easier for me to do. Thanks again Phone Post 3.0

Btw- voted up, kind sir Phone Post 3.0

Always a pleasure :)

Also, you can add additional sets/reps as opposed to just adding weight. Adding an extra set, or additional reps, works well when doing body weight resistance exercises.

Take pullups for example...if you can do 4 good pullups in a row, then try to perform three sets of 4 reps. Add an additional rep to each set, but sometimes you might stall at say 3 sets of 7 reps and be struggling to hit that elusive 8th rep. At this point, you may want instead to perform 4 sets of 6 reps, which will give you more volume (3 x 7 = 21 whereas 4 x 6 = 24).

You can even decrease the amount of rest in between sets to "add resistance" and challenge yourself.

There are many ways to increase resistance. A good rule of thumb is to always try to do just a little better each workout, even if that means one more rep than last time.

I wish you the best with your training!

If your not on a program I would highly reccomend one if your just starting out. I've been lifting for 5 years and started my first program this year (5/3/1) and have made great strides.


Jake95 -

If your not on a program I would highly reccomend one if your just starting out. I've been lifting for 5 years and started my first program this year (5/3/1) and have made great strides.



Starting Strength
Cube Method

In that somewhat order. Phone Post 3.0

Jake95 -

If your not on a program I would highly reccomend one if your just starting out. I've been lifting for 5 years and started my first program this year (5/3/1) and have made great strides.


I got a routine going. It seems to be working well. I have a friend that went to school to become a fitness trainer, so he helps out a lot in my training. He'll give me tips and show me workouts that attack the muscle area I'm working on, so it's a big help to have him there showing me stuff as I proceed to learn new things about body fitness Phone Post 3.0

dope-a-rope - Always a pleasure :)

Also, you can add additional sets/reps as opposed to just adding weight. Adding an extra set, or additional reps, works well when doing body weight resistance exercises.

Take pullups for example...if you can do 4 good pullups in a row, then try to perform three sets of 4 reps. Add an additional rep to each set, but sometimes you might stall at say 3 sets of 7 reps and be struggling to hit that elusive 8th rep. At this point, you may want instead to perform 4 sets of 6 reps, which will give you more volume (3 x 7 = 21 whereas 4 x 6 = 24).

You can even decrease the amount of rest in between sets to "add resistance" and challenge yourself.

There are many ways to increase resistance. A good rule of thumb is to always try to do just a little better each workout, even if that means one more rep than last time.

I wish you the best with your training!
Thanks, bud!

Ive always loved to challenge myself. Ill be sure to add another set and 2 more reps on Thursday when I complete my week of routine.

The feeling of hitting the last rep of a grueling set is a great feeling. Leg day was yesterday, and I went hard lol can barely walk Phone Post 3.0

As long as you add any of the three(sets, reps, lbs), to one exercise every workout you shouldn't worry. Even if it's 5lbs or just 1 rep...stronger is stronger. Phone Post 3.0