Advice for starting 7 yr old in MMA

and by the way son started wrestling at age 9 and at age 11 he was already placing at tulsa national and cliff keen openers in oklahoma .....

there were wrestling dads who were wondering what the heck !? theyre kids had been wrestling since age 5 yrs old , had done camps , endless hrs of wrestling thru the summer and here comes this boxing / jitz kid placing in national tournys that their kid had not placed in ....

quality , smart training in different arts will deversify ur kids eventual wrestling abilities

mark shultz ? gymnastics

eqard 1  - what ekard 1 said is based off of a vast personal experience ...

many ways to skin a cat BUT open ur kids mind before pigeon holing into wrestling wrestling early weight cutting , early over working , wrestling wrestling , endless hours of practice .... ALL BEFORE THE AGE OF 14 ....

my son started off in wrestling with great takedowns and great takedown defense .... people could not believe he was a jitz kid . who says jiujitsu has to be guard based >> of course to be a super wrestler u have to be and compete in wrestling AS HE DID AND DOES .... but when theyre young , get theyre mind open to accept possibilities ..... MMA training young kids does this like No other combat sport .

i did say train mma not necessarily to have to compete in it .... ill preach this til im blue in the face

MMA training done safely with kids actually heightens theyre coordination level , makes theyre footwork and body movement more fluid , quickens reaction time + has plenty of wrestling elements built into it !

If you make your kid cut serious weight at an early age then your a dumbass.  My kid has been wrestling since Kindergarten and he is now in the 5th grade.  The most I would let him "cut" would be a pound or two, and the "cutting" method I used would be to tell him that on the day of weigh ins to have a light lunch and hold off on supper until after the weigh in.  This year he was 3 pounds over before one tournament  and he asked to cut the weight, so for 2 days before the weigh ins we planned out some light meals and added in kids protein drinks.  I think the whole starvation and putting on a rubber suit and getting on a bike in a sauna to lose weight is stupid, but if adults want to do that to themselves so be it, but if a parent makes their kid do that, or even encourages it, especially in young kids they should be beaten with a stick.


At his age the style isnt important, its the discipline and respect imo.

The chances are that he's expecting to goto Martial Arts for a few weeks then go back into the school yard and fly around the place like Kun-Fu Panda "kadoooosh" hehe

bismanfightclub.... i know quite a few dads and coaches who need to be beaten with a stick then , based on ur assessment .

im as far as a anti weight cutting dad , as there ever has been , but ive seen 2.5 hour practices with the heat turned waay up , as the weight cutters suffer in misery and sometimes break down and cry because of frustration over eating very little for the week of a national show .

ive observed this with elite before the age of 9yrs old wrestlers and ive observed this with above 9yr old elite wrestlers .... ive observed this with east coast kids , west coast kids and kids here in texas ...

a tell tell sign is 3 WEEKS AFTER A WRESTLING SEASON .... ur kid is a pound or 2 above his wrestling weight and so and so's kid is 6 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs 18 lbs bigger !!! THAT AINT FOOLING NO ONE !! dads always say ... " he musta hit a growth spurt !" lol

u ask the dads and there always denying it by saying .... hes not cutting but a couple pounds , then he admits later that his boy is running 5 miles every morning and maintaining a very strict diet to keep that miserable weight up . better yet ask the kid himself when hes really miserable after a grueling practice and he will sing like canary bird and admit he hasnt has much to eat all week + doing 2 hr practices twice a day ....

wrestlers are tough for a good reason

eqard 1  - bismanfightclub.... i know quite a few dads and coaches who need to be beaten with a stick then , based on ur assessment .

im as far as a anti weight cutting dad , as there ever has been , but ive seen 2.5 hour practices with the heat turned waay up , as the weight cutters suffer in misery and sometimes break down and cry because of frustration over eating very little for the week of a national show .

ive observed this with elite before the age of 9yrs old wrestlers and ive observed this with above 9yr old elite wrestlers .... ive observed this with east coast kids , west coast kids and kids here in texas ...

a tell tell sign is 3 WEEKS AFTER A WRESTLING SEASON .... ur kid is a pound or 2 above his wrestling weight and so and so's kid is 6 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs 18 lbs bigger !!! THAT AINT FOOLING NO ONE !! dads always say ... " he musta hit a growth spurt !" lol

u ask the dads and there always denying it by saying .... hes not cutting but a couple pounds , then he admits later that his boy is running 5 miles every morning and maintaining a very strict diet to keep that miserable weight up . better yet ask the kid himself when hes really miserable after a grueling practice and he will sing like canary bird and admit he hasnt has much to eat all week + doing 2 hr practices twice a day ....

wrestlers are tough for a good reason
If you saw such practices and didn't report them to social services, you are no better than they are.


im the bad guy now , huh ?

been preaching anti weight cut for yrs and now im the evil guy ... this is very common , u might might need to open ur eyes and ears .... because its not just wrestling , its also in boxing and in a smaller way in jiujitsu

im not GOD .... coaches know , parents know , N O W U KNOW

I think Judo is ideal as it's usually cheap and will prepare him well for wrestling and bjj while still giving him that classic "martial arts" feeling -- when he earns his yellow he'll be ecstatic and feel like a serious ninja turtle. Plus he can correct kids that say "judo chop" making him both a badass and an intellectual.


Gymnastics & Judo, then wrestling & BJJ, then different striking arts = McGruff The Crime Hog Jr. UFC Champ by 2025

My son is about to turn 3 and we watch some MMA every night together and he flails his little arms and legs around while I hold my hands up and then grabs me in a tight choke hold which I slowly defend and then give him lots of kisses.

When he turns 4 he will start wrestling and doing TKD (I used to teach grappling at the local TKD school) but it will be purely for fun.

No competition until he is begging me to do it and absolutely no weght cutting.

One reason I chose Judo over wrestling is that my son's original request was for martial arts. So having a Judo Gi, being taught more of the martial arts philosophy, having a Sensei that you bow to and show respect in a ritualistic manner etc. was appealing to him (and me). The head instructor made sure to explain that he didn't give belts based on learning a set of specific moves like they do with local Karate franchises in town. He gives them based purely on his own judgement and didn't give them out easy or to build self esteem. I don't have experience to know if this is the best way, but my gut told me that what I was hearing was good, so meeting him sealed the deal. As retarded as this sounds, it probably helped that he was an older, wise looking Asian guy who reminded me a whole lot of Mr. Miyagi.

Also, it's only $42 a month and he can do 3 classes a week.... not bad. My younger son and older daughter are already asking to join after my son practiced on them this morning.

McGruff The Crime Hog - The head instructor made sure to explain that he didn't give belts based on learning a set of specific moves like they do with local Karate franchises in town. He gives them based purely on his own judgement and didn't give them out easy or to build self esteem. I don't have experience to know if this is the best way, but my gut told me that what I was hearing was good, so meeting him sealed the deal. As retarded as this sounds, it probably helped that he was an older, wise looking Asian guy who reminded me a whole lot of Mr. Miyagi.

Sounds like its an old school master that will train the kids until they bleed and whip them when they don't show the proper technique.

Kuk Sool Wan....a school is opening right around the corner from my is a combination of Korean styles, anyone know anything about it?

The USA wrestling program is going to be 15 miles each way.

 My youngest is 7 oldest 11. Haven't done anything yet.

Get as strong of a base as he can in wrestling and then secondly in boxing. But for god sakes protect his brain during the boxing training.

 my 6 year old is in wresslin which is cheap and he loves it and boxing which is cheap and he loves it

he turned down football and soccer and asked me is he could play baseball which is alot o fun. he hits well and isnt scared to stop the ball with his body. Love that lilguy

I take my kid with me to most of my MMA classes and he watches or plays. When he was 5 I tried to get him in wrestling since he said he wanted to wrestle. I took him to a class of kids and when he got on the mat he would pull guard and not let them up and then tell me they couldnt pass his guard he would also take kids back and try to choke them. Pulled him out of wrestling and started him in Karate.