This music's makeing me tired

it's rather soothing to me

RANDY:thanks a lot man.

By the way, could someone give the official results from the three openning fights?

Peace andf''um grande abarço''

Johnny you need a different music selection for intermission .

awesome, I got it working, and just in time for intermission!

sherdog fightfinder has results as they happen.

ttt for different muzak

Yeah, it would be cool. This music is terrible.

Johnny , how many hits did you have right now ?

These fight's have been pretty bad ass so far!

The live feed is awesome. I was all sad about missing the event because I had to work. Now I'm getting paid and watching the AFC. Doesn't get any better.

long ass intermission. Coming up on 20 minutes here.

Hey Sinister, yeah I would take the embedded link out so it doesn't max out my viewers. THANKS!

yeah this live feed, is the shit.
and the fights are better than the k1 last night.

TTT for AFC and ATT

is the video feed back up yet? still only getting auido

k, here we go.

Match 5:

Brian Geraghty vs Raphael Diaz

No problem. That was actually cool Sinister. I didn't know you could do that with a live feed or not.

I will have better music next time. Actually, I will probably have a couple commercials next time during the intermission. And maybe hgihlight videos.

RKing, It says I'm banned from the live fighter chat when I try to sign in, everything else works......... not my computer....... let me tell ya, I went thru bad withdrawels.......... sick.........

Round Starts.

Diaz with an immediate shot, goes into the ropes, then the corner.

Geraghty drops to full guard, while Diaz works on top, works some efficient ground and pound, but gets swept, then pulled into an triangle, armbar, kimura combo that Diaz guts out then escapes at the very end.

Then back into guard.